. "The father of Teresa Wisemail, Alec Wisemail ruled as the mayor of Greenhill prior to his daughter's term as mayor of the then Greenhill principality within the City-States of Jowston. A careful man, Alec took preparations to protect his family, even hiring the warrior Shin as a bodyguard for his daughter. Alec Wisemail's leadership saw the region of Greenhill through a difficult time, during which the principality fought skirmishes against the then-neighbouring tribe of the Karaya Clan. The Karaya Clan proved such a problem to Alec Wisemail's leadership that he schemed with Gorudo, leader of the Matilda Knights, to poison the Karaya Clan leader, Kianu, in an alleged meeting for a peace treaty. With Kianu gone, his young daughter Lucia would rise to power, which they thought would weaken the clan further due to her inexperience. This plan proved successful, as far as the murder of Kianu, enabling Greenhill and Matilda to grab some Karayan Lands; however, Kianu's young daughter would exceed expectations, becoming a powerful warrior and intelligent and able leader of the Karaya Clan. As the Highland Kingdom began to invade the eastern part of Muse principality SY 460, a meeting was called amongst leaders of the City-States to determine what to do about the incoming threat. By this time too ill to attend, Alec Wisemail sent his daughter, Teresa, who was also serving as Acting Mayor of Greenhill due to his illness. Alec would not live long after this time, perishing before Highland invaded Greenhill a few months later. Following his death, his daughter continued on as Acting Mayor, and became a popular leader in both Greenhill and, following the war, the Dunan Republic, as she was elected President of the Republic soon after the wars end. Please help us improve Suikoden Wikia by creating or editing any of our articles."@en . . . "The father of Teresa Wisemail, Alec Wisemail ruled as the mayor of Greenhill prior to his daughter's term as mayor of the then Greenhill principality within the City-States of Jowston. A careful man, Alec took preparations to protect his family, even hiring the warrior Shin as a bodyguard for his daughter. Alec Wisemail's leadership saw the region of Greenhill through a difficult time, during which the principality fought skirmishes against the then-neighbouring tribe of the Karaya Clan. Please help us improve Suikoden Wikia by creating or editing any of our articles."@en . . . . . "Alec Wisemail"@en . . .