"N/A"@en . "\u201CNew eras don't come about because of lightsabers, they're created by the people who wield them. \u201D - Aiko Amaterasu Aiko Amaterasu Biographical information Homeworld \tBorn \tDied Physical description \tSpecies \tSubspecies \tGender \tHeight \tMass \tHair color \tEye color \tSkin color \tCybernetics Chronological and political information \tEra(s) \tClan(s) \tKajidic \tAffiliation \tCaste \tDomain \tMasters \tApprentices OOC information \tPlayer \tDate created ==Personality and Traits=="@en . . . . "Tumani"@en . . "Zuri"@en . "Sephi"@en . "Brown"@en . . "None *Glowing white orbs for eyes*"@en . "120"^^ . . . . "N/A"@en . "260"^^ . "The Dark Prince Taral Haj'ra, Darth Keres, Master Eva Lekach"@en . "Aiko Amaterasu"@en . "Aiko Amaterasu"@en . "8"^^ . "*Unconfirmed*"@en . "173.0"^^ . "Aiko Amaterasu"@en . "\u201CNew eras don't come about because of lightsabers, they're created by the people who wield them. \u201D - Aiko Amaterasu Aiko Amaterasu Biographical information Homeworld \tBorn \tDied Physical description \tSpecies \tSubspecies \tGender \tHeight \tMass \tHair color \tEye color \tSkin color \tCybernetics Chronological and political information \tEra(s) \tClan(s) \tKajidic \tAffiliation \tCaste \tDomain \tMasters \tApprentices OOC information \tPlayer \tDate created ==Personality and Traits== \u201CNew eras don't come about because of lightsabers, they're created by the people who wield them. \u201D - Aiko Amaterasu Ta'a Chume Her Majesty the Sovereign About: Quiet, articulate, soft spoken, poetic, good sense of humor. She is highly intelligent and intimidating at first glance. She loves a good conversation about anything except violence. Biography Early life (120-150 ABY) Aiko grew up on Tumani, in a wealthy family. When she was born her parents planned for her to run their shipping company. Master Lekach is a family friend, she sensed the force in her and compelled her parents to let her take Aiko as her Padawan, so they allowed it. Through the years Master Lekach became her extended family as did a few other council members and other Padawan at the Jedi Enclave on Coruscant. She would spend many days and nights studying, reading books, meditating on what she learned, because she dreamed of being a spy for the republic. Master Lekacho would drill her constantly, asking her surprise questions, even engaged her in surprise attacks! It worked to her benefit, her skills were honed to the point she could spar with two students blind folded and she won. During this time she also studied vigorously and was eventually accepted to the University of Alderaan where she studied physics and minored in mathematics. Eventually she earned her PhD in physics and wrote the first paper on Dark Energy. One night, her great great great grandfather, Ryun Sentris, appeared to her. He began to teach her about her family's history, and what he did as a Jedi. He was comforting to her. She was honored to know this and would share this knowledge with her parents and Master Lekach. He helped her when she needed counseling regarding her rages, and so did Master Lekacho. It was a wonderful relationship they developed, Eventually, Sato had come to love her and vowed to always be with her as she was so far away from her family. Education Incredibly intelligent is an understatement. She was doing integral calculus at the age of 7. By the age of 21 she successfully defended her dissertation on Dark Energy earning her PhD from the University of Alderan. She wrote the first paper on Dark energy, and from this work created two new power sources, and a couple weapons. Star Drives to replace the hyper drives AND the engines...kind of a two for one deal. And why not?! making ships a bit lighter, no need for fuel, the fuel is collected from M class Suns, and probably up to Red giants. A gravity bomb, increases a planets gravity making it nearly impossible for any ship to reach escape velocity, huge military and tactical advantage with that one. Been tweaking a device she invented that detects the Force on any planet, She has discovered the roots of the Force is Dark Energy. Interestingly enough Dark Energy makes up 88% of the known universe. Makes me wonder what the unknown part is. Oh and zero point energy. Small modules that draw energy harmlessly from other dimensions. Its a principle of super string theory that I made applicable. Also working on mathematical models of time displacement through hyper space...or if you like...time travel. Career (150 - Current timeline) Her training went well through the years. Meanwhile her parents shipping company did very well, until Mandalorian pirates raided two of their vessels and took everything that was in the cargo for the black market Hutts. This made her so angry she went into a rage...but was able to calm down. So Master Lekach decided to send her on a mission that would complete her training. She wanted a chance to have honor for her family, and justice for the Republic. She went to the battle cruiser, did what she was tasked with, and returned, right under the Empires noses! She had become a Jedi Shadow, and the second Padawan that Master Lekach molded into a Jedi Shadow. She had left Tumani abruptly. She did leave a message with Master Lekach before she left, saying she wanted to go to Corruscant, the front lines of the battle front (so to speak). Now she comes, ready, to be a spy for the republic and to do the biding of the Jedi Council on Corruscant. Realizing things have changed, she sought out the Tumani Diplomat and Ducha. Initially meeting with them she discovered that they wanted to ally with the Federation. The Hapes Consortium formed the 513th Corsairs consisting of 5 Jedi Shadow including herself. Their missions ranged from Intelligence gathering, sabotage, even assassinations. Doing so was for the good of Tumani, or so she thought. One assignment took her into the heart of the Sith Empire. She had confided in Darth Inviktus, and even Darth Infestus, both of which planting seeds in her which slowly manifested over time\u2026thus she began to sympathize with them. When her espionage assignment ended it left her feeling empty inside. She had completed her mission, but her dealings with the Sith were far from over. Upon returning from the Sith mission, she was confronted by Master Atlantis of the Kalloway Jedi Order on Yavin IV. To her surprise, she was delighted that they wanted to ally with the Tumani Consortium. She arranged for Master Atlantis to meet with the Diplomat and Ducha. To her surprise, both politicians informed her the Tumani Consortium turned away from the Federation. This made her angry. She felt betrayed, she met with other bridge officers that night which resulted in a split, some officers wanting to stay, some wanted to abandon the Tumani Consortium and take refuge with the Federation, some wanted to follow Aiko. Within the coming weeks, unrest had broke out in the Military as it began to collapse\u2026almost leading to a civil war. Aiko fled with her men and a few bridge captains to seek asylum on Yavin within the Federation. Now she awaits their decision. All had but fallen apart, she took the Second Fleet to hide in the Outer Rim cluster.After hiding for over 1 year in the Outer Rim cluster, she led the Second Fleet back home for a tearful reunion. At the same time they allied with the Empire under the new regime and was promoted to Rear Admiral (Upper Half) per Tumani Armed Forces regulations and general consensus of the Tumani Consortium. Side note: She hates her desk job... Observation of the Core Worlds (212aby) On occupied Coruscant Aiko was seeking information about the Empire and their occupation of Coruscant. She met some Sith and befriend them. They were however aware of her and had plotted against her to turn her to the Dark Side. so for months this ruse she thought she had played on. Eventually she left as things within the Empire started to crumble. Years later\u2026.(248aby) After doing much for her people including establishig the Jedi Enclave on Tumani, a place for all Hapes Force sensitives to come and learn and grow. Civil war began forcing her to flee for her life and hide. She had allies with her, a large even though small portion of the Hapan Royal Military. Hiding on different planets in the core worlds until the opportunity would come for her to retake her home world and eventually end the civil war plaguing the Hapes Cluster. After years of hidding(261aby) She turned to the Empire on the planet coruscant. Hoping they would take her in, she attempted to convince them she would help the Sith gain new ground. Although the ground they had was crumbling before them. She realised this and backed out of the idea. The conversations between her and the Sith where brief and usually led to nowhere. The Battle of Tumani(262ABY) After receiving no help from the Empire or the SIth, or the Jedi, she, of her own initiative, took back Tumani, though encountering some losses, not enough to set her back. Everyone in the Hapes cluster rejoiced. She had done the impossible, on her own, regaining her power base. All of these things she had done over the years with nothing more than communing in tombs and reading. Gathering information about her enemies. She sought somewhere safe after the One Sith lost Coruscant. She sought Lady Viliianos, who agreed to accept her into her order. The Dark Prince came to this meeting as well. He had heard of Aiko's accomplishments. Se was so bold to ask him, the one who she had betrayed more than 1 year ago, to annoint her a rank of Lady of the Sith, or Sith Lord. Not something she cared for, but it was a means to an end in her mind. After discovering they had isolated themselves and had no resources, she left never to trifle with them again. After careful thought, consideration, and discussions with the Royal Council, she stayed true to herself and her people thus establishing the Jedi Enclave on Hapes, a beacon of hope, a symbol of courage, and a banner of honor for the Hapan people. (263 ABY) Reconstruction Now we enter the period of reconstruction and rebuilding in the Hapes Consortium, new seats were assigned, the Royal Court was established once more. The faith restored in the people for their beloved Ta'a Chume and the Hapes Consortium. The first meeting of the new Hapes Consortium being scheduled for Sunday, 16 263 ABY."@en . "Hermaphrodite"@en . "House Amaterasu, The One Sith, Hapes Consortium"@en . "Black *dyed*"@en . . . . "N/A"@en . "6.0"^^ . .