. "0"^^ . . . "episode-v/bts/article/f20070124/index.html"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "episode-v/bts/article/f20070124/index.html"@es . "Baron Orman Tagge was the head of the House of Tagge from 21 BBY until his death in 0 ABY, and elder brother to Cassio, Silas, Ulric, and Domina Tagge. Tagge was also the head of the Tagge Company, a massive conglomerate that encompassed many of the galaxy's most successful franchises. Following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Tagge allied him with the new galactic government and suggested to its leader, Emperor Palpatine that he would be a more suitable choice of assistant for Palpatine than the Emperor's current right-hand man, the Sith Lord Darth Vader. However, Vader learned of Tagge's proposition and the Dark Lord used his lightsaber to blind the baron. Forced to wear cyber-vision goggles, Tagge vowed have revenge and began training himself in the art of lightsaber combat, hoping to one day be a proficient enough swordsman to strike Vader down. Over the years, Tagge became famous and his likeness was used as the logo for the fast food chain Biscuit Baron. Once the Empire was firmly in control of the galaxy, Tagge proposed the formation of the Corporate Sector Authority, a large conglomerate that would take control of the Corporate Sector, a region of the Outer Rim Territories that was under corporate control. Palpatine acquiesced and agreed to allow the establishment of the company, and Tagge eventually became the CSA's leader. During the Galactic Civil War, Tagge plotted to further himself in the eyes of the Emperor by attacking a Rebel Alliance base on the moon Yavin 4, but his plans were thwarted by the Alliance agent Luke Skywalker. The baron later aided his brother Silas in the development of the Omega Frost, a superweapon that the baron hoped to use to defeat the Alliance and make himself seem a greater asset to Palpatine than Vader was. Skywalker again foiled Tagge's plans and the baron's starship was destroyed, rendering Tagge unconscious. He was saved by spies of Darth Vader and subsequently taken to the planet Monastery, where he awoke and was killed by Luke Skywalker."@en . . "37"^^ . . "Galactic Empire"@en . . "Negro"@es . "Orman Tagge"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "Orman Tagge"@en . . . "Time Capsule: Darth Vader 1980"@es . . "20"^^ . "Bar\u00F3n de la Casa de Tagge y Jefe de la Compa\u00F1\u00EDa Tagge"@es . . "Baron Orman Tagge was the head of the House of Tagge from 21 BBY until his death in 0 ABY, and elder brother to Cassio, Silas, Ulric, and Domina Tagge. Tagge was also the head of the Tagge Company, a massive conglomerate that encompassed many of the galaxy's most successful franchises. Following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Tagge allied him with the new galactic government and suggested to its leader, Emperor Palpatine that he would be a more suitable choice of assistant for Palpatine than the Emperor's current right-hand man, the Sith Lord Darth Vader. However, Vader learned of Tagge's proposition and the Dark Lord used his lightsaber to blind the baron. Forced to wear cyber-vision goggles, Tagge vowed have revenge and began training himself in the art of lightsaber combat, hoping to "@en . . "Orman Tagge"@en . . . "0"^^ . . . "El Bar\u00F3n Orman Tagge fue el jefe de la Casa de Tagge desde el 20 ABY hasta su muerte en el 0 DBY, y hermano mayor de Cassio, Silas, Ulric, y Domina Tagge. Tagge fue tambi\u00E9n el jefe de la Compa\u00F1\u00EDa Tagge, un masivo conglomerado que abarcaba muchas de las franquicias m\u00E1s exitosas de la galaxia. Tagge a s\u00ED mismo se hizo tan famoso que su imagen fue utilizada como el logotipo de la cadena de comida r\u00E1pida Biscuit Baron."@es . "21"^^ . . "Imperial"@es . . "Time Capsule: Darth Vader 1980"@en . "—21 BBY"@en . . "*Era del Alzamiento del Imperio\n\n*Era de la Rebeli\u00F3n"@es . . . "*Rise of the Empire era\n*Rebellion era"@en . . . . "Orman Tagge"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bar\u00F3n Orman Tagge"@es . . "38"^^ . "Marr\u00F3n; Blanco"@es . . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "*House of Tagge\n*Tagge Company\n*Galactic Republic\n*Galactic Empire\n*Corporate Sector Authority"@en . . . . . "Orman Tagge"@en . "Black"@en . "Orman Tagge"@en . . . . "Orman Tagge"@es . "Brown; White"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "*Casa de Tagge\n\n*Comapa\u00F1\u00EDa Tagge\n\n*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n\n*Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico\n\n*Autoridad del Sector Corporativo"@es . "El Bar\u00F3n Orman Tagge fue el jefe de la Casa de Tagge desde el 20 ABY hasta su muerte en el 0 DBY, y hermano mayor de Cassio, Silas, Ulric, y Domina Tagge. Tagge fue tambi\u00E9n el jefe de la Compa\u00F1\u00EDa Tagge, un masivo conglomerado que abarcaba muchas de las franquicias m\u00E1s exitosas de la galaxia. Tagge a s\u00ED mismo se hizo tan famoso que su imagen fue utilizada como el logotipo de la cadena de comida r\u00E1pida Biscuit Baron. Pero debajo de la fachada de la vida p\u00FAblica, Tagge estaba plagado de problemas. Al tratar de ganarse el favor de Emperador Gal\u00E1ctico Palpatine, Tagge se gan\u00F3 la ira de Lord Vader, y, a su vez, este ceg\u00F3 al Bar\u00F3n de por vida. A partir de ese momento, Tagge jur\u00F3 venganza, llev\u00E1ndose a s\u00ED mismo a una venganza personal que le conseguir\u00EDa involucrarse con la Alianza y figuras como el hijo de Vader, Luke Skywalker. La venganza lleg\u00F3 a su fin despu\u00E9s de veinte a\u00F1os, terminando sin resolverse, cuando Skywalker se vio obligado a eliminar al Bar\u00F3n en combate."@es . . . . . . "Baron of the House of Tagge and Head of the Tagge Company"@en . "—20 ABY"@es .