. "Feedback Update: A Clockwork Syringe"@en . "Arr me hearties - it be feedback time! Ahem. Anyway, it's once more the time to implement your ideas and advice into the game based on last week's update - the new pirate quest A Clockwork Syringe. Firstly, some changes to the 'Rum'geon on Braindeath Island. You will now be allowed to take aquatic summoning familiars into the dungeon but still no spirit land-lubbers. In other news, Bard Roberts has got his latest shanty up and running so head to your local pirate pub to listen to a recap of your most recent zombie-pirate clash. There's also yet another update to the task system to add incorporate the miniquests formally back into the game. Last, but certainly not least, another update to the 'rum'geon, this time regarding that strange wall. It's still there but more experienced adventurers"@en . "Arr me hearties - it be feedback time! Ahem. Anyway, it's once more the time to implement your ideas and advice into the game based on last week's update - the new pirate quest A Clockwork Syringe. Firstly, some changes to the 'Rum'geon on Braindeath Island. You will now be allowed to take aquatic summoning familiars into the dungeon but still no spirit land-lubbers. In other news, Bard Roberts has got his latest shanty up and running so head to your local pirate pub to listen to a recap of your most recent zombie-pirate clash. There's also yet another update to the task system to add incorporate the miniquests formally back into the game. Last, but certainly not least, another update to the 'rum'geon, this time regarding that strange wall. It's still there but more experienced adventurers will recognize a way past to enter and see what lies within..."@en . .