"Change the dish at the last moment"@en . "Blane the Cook"@en . "60.0"^^ . "Spy"@en . "Help Blane in a clumsy way"@en . "60.0"^^ . "100.0"^^ . . . "100"^^ . "Have him cook for the servants too"@en . "Play a joke to test his resilience"@en . "Cunning"@en . "Aid"@en . "5.0"^^ . "Harass"@en . "Sabotage"@en . "60.0"^^ . "Get him to reveal his own weaknesses"@en . "World Court Intrigue Victory.jpg"@en . "A trusting [lord/lady] who least expects [his/her] new cook will soon be yours."@en . "10.0"^^ . "5.0"^^ . "30.0"^^ . "\"I'm taking this new cook, Blane, home. They value him in the Citadel at Oldtown, but I trust you more than rumor. Shall we put him to the test?\""@en . "\"Alvyn, you're from Oldtown... have you heard anything about this cook's skills?\""@en . "100.0"^^ . "Grizzled and stolid, quiet and calm. He seems confident in his skill."@en . "Give Blane free rein in the kitchen"@en . "\"A good cook is always welcome here. Eh, Groat?\""@en . "Bonus"@en . "\"In truth I haven't, my [lord/lady], but if he served the Citadel he's no doubt quite good. Some of the archmaesters quite enjoy their dinner.\""@en . . . . "Include Blane in the deception"@en . . "Switch good food for inferior stuff"@en . "100.0"^^ . "Your Friend"@en . "Truthful"@en . "\"You already took him into service. Why do you want to test him now?\""@en . . "Make the test as hard as possible"@en . . "-Whisper to Groat- \"Let's test Blane and make plans to keep him for [Your Keep].\""@en . . "30.0"^^ . "Offer silver to any who out-cook him"@en . "100.0"^^ . "Swindle"@en . "\"We'll see how good he is- and I'll make sure the Citadel hears if I'm not satisfied.\""@en . "10.0"^^ . "60.0"^^ . "Noble.jpg"@en . "Barter"@en . "Steal"@en . . "Sabotage"@en . "30.0"^^ . "Groat leans close while [Your Friend] is distracted. \"You could take Blane for yourself, my [lord/lady], with a small twist of the truth.\""@en . "Swindle"@en . . "Offer Blane a better position here"@en . "30.0"^^ . . "Noble.jpg"@en . . "3600.0"^^ . "5.0"^^ . "Bribe"@en . "100.0"^^ . "Filch his materials midway through"@en . "Bribe"@en . "Offer him silver if he does poorly"@en . "Your Friend"@en . "5.0"^^ . "10.0"^^ . "\"I'll be hosting an important wedding soon. This way I'll have more time to find a replacement if Blane's skill is found wanting.\""@en . . "Pay helpers to undercut his efforts"@en . "Force him to cook as fast as he can"@en . "common"@en . "Make the other cooks watch and learn"@en . "\"I have a sworn sword with a refined palate. We can all test Blane's skill together.\""@en . "Your Friend"@en . "Throw something extra into his food"@en . "5.0"^^ . "Fine Tongues"@en . . "30.0"^^ . "Simon Groat"@en . "5.0"^^ . "Alvyn of Oldtown"@en . . "10.0"^^ . "Force him to share delicious secrets"@en .