. . "Lim Prekeny was a Cardassian artist. Prekeny was known for holo-mosaics like The Collectivity. Prekeny spent eight years in forced resettlement on Cardassia IV after having her artistic license revoked, during which time she made sketches of what would become The Collectivity. By 2372, Prekeny's works were considered masterpieces and were displayed in the Betik Gallery in Cardassia City. (DS9 novel: The Never-Ending Sacrifice)"@en . . "Lim Prekeny was a Cardassian artist. Prekeny was known for holo-mosaics like The Collectivity. Prekeny spent eight years in forced resettlement on Cardassia IV after having her artistic license revoked, during which time she made sketches of what would become The Collectivity. By 2372, Prekeny's works were considered masterpieces and were displayed in the Betik Gallery in Cardassia City. (DS9 novel: The Never-Ending Sacrifice)"@en . "Lim Prekeny"@en .