"He had an older brother, Thr\u00F3r, and a younger brother, Gr\u00F3r. He was the second son of D\u00E1in I. Fr\u00F3r spent his short life in the Grey Mountains. He was slain with his father when a Cold-drake invaded the doors of the mountain palace. Shortly after they were laid to rest in the tombs of the mountain halls, the kingship was passed on to Fr\u00F3r's older brother Thr\u00F3r. Durin's Folk then resolved to abandon the Grey Mountains. It was Thr\u00F3r who founded the kingdom of the Lonely Mountain and led a portion of his people there. However, the greater part of Durin's folk followed the youngest brother Gr\u00F3r to the Iron Hills."@en . "Fr\u00F3r"@en . . "He had an older brother, Thr\u00F3r, and a younger brother, Gr\u00F3r. He was the second son of D\u00E1in I. Fr\u00F3r spent his short life in the Grey Mountains. He was slain with his father when a Cold-drake invaded the doors of the mountain palace. Shortly after they were laid to rest in the tombs of the mountain halls, the kingship was passed on to Fr\u00F3r's older brother Thr\u00F3r. Durin's Folk then resolved to abandon the Grey Mountains. It was Thr\u00F3r who founded the kingdom of the Lonely Mountain and led a portion of his people there. However, the greater part of Durin's folk followed the youngest brother Gr\u00F3r to the Iron Hills."@en . . . . . . "thumb|160px|Fr\u00F3r Fr\u00F3r (geboren 2552 D.Z., gestorben 2589 D.Z.) ist der zweite Sohn von D\u00E1in I. und geh\u00F6rt so dem K\u00F6nigshaus der Zwerge von Erebor an. Sein \u00E4lterer Bruder ist der Thronerbe Thr\u00F3r und sein j\u00FCngerer Bruder ist Gr\u00F3r. Wie sein Vater wurde auch er 2589 D.Z. in den Ered Mithrin von einem Kaltdrachen get\u00F6tet."@de . . "Fr\u00F3r (2552-2589 TE) \u2013 krasnolud z Plemienia Durina, syn D\u00E1ina I, brat Thr\u00F3ra i Gr\u00F3ra."@pl . . . "Brett Beattie"@en . . . . . "Fr\u00F3r Decipher Card"@en . "Fr\u00F3r"@pl . "Fr\u00F3r"@pl . . . "Male"@en . "Fror.png"@pl . . . "Fr\u00F3r (2552-2589 TE) \u2013 krasnolud z Plemienia Durina, syn D\u00E1ina I, brat Thr\u00F3ra i Gr\u00F3ra."@pl . . "Durin's Folk, Dwarves of the Grey Mountains"@en . . . "Buch"@de . "2552"^^ . "Fr\u00F3r"@de . . "2012"^^ . "Fr\u00F3r"@en . "thumb|160px|Fr\u00F3r Fr\u00F3r (geboren 2552 D.Z., gestorben 2589 D.Z.) ist der zweite Sohn von D\u00E1in I. und geh\u00F6rt so dem K\u00F6nigshaus der Zwerge von Erebor an. Sein \u00E4lterer Bruder ist der Thronerbe Thr\u00F3r und sein j\u00FCngerer Bruder ist Gr\u00F3r. Wie sein Vater wurde auch er 2589 D.Z. in den Ered Mithrin von einem Kaltdrachen get\u00F6tet."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Anhang A III. Durins Volk"@de . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl .