. . "No Place Is Unknown to Darkness"@en . . "In my longing for freedom in my native homeland, my soul finally broke through the barriers of my mortal frame. Each night, I soared free to destinations strange and exotic. My nightly wanderings I later recalled in a leather-bound book kept hidden from prying police eyes. I did not know what sort of creature I was exactly whenever I went on my nightly ventures. Perhaps a wraithlike vapor or maybe even a bird. Whatever the result, I see the same thing in a mirror or a pool of water \u2014 a delicate brown-skinned girl with golden eyes and snow-white hair. Instead of silken pajamas, I am wrapped in layers upon layers of sky-blue feathers. One day I was traveling along a creek that meandered its way through flower-filled meadows bordered by conifers. Grapevines and roses crowded clusters of decrepit buildings. Stray peacocks, ducks and cats roamed about the thick grass. I stopped at one such place that had an orchard in back. Climbing an apple tree, I wedged myself In between a thick branch and the trunk. It was late summer in these parts. The apples were ripening on all the trees. I couldn\u2019t eat them, though, as my body was still in bed back in my world. \u201COne of these days,\u201D I told myself moodily. \u201CI\u2019m going to summon enough willpower to shift myself completely here and live like a hermit monk. I will gather and hunt, and have plenty of free time. Perhaps I\u2019ll even adopt a few pets.\u201D I looked off towards a range of mountains which were an interesting blend of shades of purple. I wonder if I could taste one of these apples; I\u2019m feeling kind of hungry right now. That\u2019s when a scaly hand holding an apple reached out from behind me and a sibilant voice said, \u201CI\u2019ll be your pet, Fr\u00E4ulein.\u201D"@en . . . . "In my longing for freedom in my native homeland, my soul finally broke through the barriers of my mortal frame. Each night, I soared free to destinations strange and exotic. My nightly wanderings I later recalled in a leather-bound book kept hidden from prying police eyes. \u201COne of these days,\u201D I told myself moodily. \u201CI\u2019m going to summon enough willpower to shift myself completely here and live like a hermit monk. I will gather and hunt, and have plenty of free time. Perhaps I\u2019ll even adopt a few pets.\u201D"@en . . . . . . .