. . . . "''Avengers: Infinity War Part I"@es . "Steve Rogers"@es . "Steve Rogers"@es . . "Year"@en . "El Capit\u00E1n Steven \"Steve\" Rogers fue el \u00FAnico sobreviviente de la exitosa prueba del Suero del S\u00FAper Soldado desarrollado por Abraham Erskine durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Transformado en la encarnaci\u00F3n de la perfecci\u00F3n fisiol\u00F3gica humana, el super soldado patriota recibi\u00F3 el t\u00EDtulo de Capit\u00E1n Am\u00E9rica y luch\u00F3 contra los nazis y su terror\u00EDfico grupo asociado HYDRA. Rogers estuvo congelado durante casi setenta a\u00F1os y despert\u00F3 en el siglo XXI, donde se uni\u00F3 a Los Vengadores como su l\u00EDder y trabaja para S.H.I.E.L.D. como un agente."@es . . . . "Steve Rogers"@en . "Capit\u00E1n Am\u00E9rica"@es . . "El Hombre de las Estrellas con un Plan"@es . "El Capit\u00E1n Steven \"Steve\" Rogers fue el \u00FAnico sobreviviente de la exitosa prueba del Suero del S\u00FAper Soldado desarrollado por Abraham Erskine durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Transformado en la encarnaci\u00F3n de la perfecci\u00F3n fisiol\u00F3gica humana, el super soldado patriota recibi\u00F3 el t\u00EDtulo de Capit\u00E1n Am\u00E9rica y luch\u00F3 contra los nazis y su terror\u00EDfico grupo asociado HYDRA. Rogers estuvo congelado durante casi setenta a\u00F1os y despert\u00F3 en el siglo XXI, donde se uni\u00F3 a Los Vengadores como su l\u00EDder y trabaja para S.H.I.E.L.D. como un agente. Rogers se encuentra en una clase \u00FAnica por s\u00ED mismo. Si bien hay varios elementos a lo que todav\u00EDa lo hacen humano, el suero le ha permitido ser m\u00E1s que humano. En general, Rogers posee notable fuerza, velocidad, agilidad, resistencia / resistencia, reflejos, durabilidad y capacidad regenerativa extraordinarias. Adem\u00E1s, \u00E9l es un agente altamente capacitado, entrenado en varias formas de combate cuerpo a cuerpo, armas y otras habilidades debido a su experiencia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial que a\u00FAn en estos tiempos lo hace eficaz en la batalla. A pesar de sus constantes vitales se desaceler\u00F3, la vejez y el haber sido congelado durante casi setenta a\u00F1os, todav\u00EDa est\u00E1 en excelentes condiciones f\u00EDsicas."@es . "Los Vengadores"@es . "Steve Rogers"@en . "Capit\u00E1n Rogers"@es . "Steve Rogers said he was \u201Cjust a kid from Brooklyn\u201D, and that is simply the best way to describe him. For all that he becomes, he still is, essentially, just a kid. He has high ideals, that might seem outdated and ridiculous, but he is a man of morals and he won\u2019t do anything to compromise them. He believes in sacrifice and doing things for the greater good that he can be easily angered when he believes someone is being self-centered and would never do something if it meant they could potentially get hurt. He is very awkward around others, for the most part, due to spending a lot of his life without frequent socialization with new people. This is usually around women, and the more attractive the more awkward and flustered he gets. In a word, Steve is, wait for it, a kid. He hasn\u2019t had much opportunity to get out and talk to pretty dames, and it really shows. He has a lot of passion, though. If he believes in a cause he believes in it with his entire being. He refuses to give up on anything, and for that matter he refuses to give up on anyone. When his childhood best friend Bucky was reported dead, even though there was no definite proof, Steve was determined enough to find him that he would have walked to Austria and through the front lines. When Peggy and Howard Stark decided to fly him in, Steve exhibited another trait of his: he doesn\u2019t want anyone else to be hurt. If he can handle it himself, he\u2019d rather others stay out of danger. While Peggy had proven herself to be a very capable woman, and while Stark was a genius, Steve knew the plane they were in would get shot down if they did not turn around as soon as he cleared the plane. While Steve would lay down his life for anyone, he wouldn\u2019t be too keen on anyone sacrificing their self just for him. They have so much to live for, and if he dies in order to ensure they can live for that he will. If he dies for a greater cause then himself he will die happy know that he did the right thing. If he doesn\u2019t die and instead gets frozen in a block of ice that would be okay too. Steve would sacrifice himself willingly, but again, he will never back down. He believes that if you simply roll over and let someone bully you, they will never stop. If you fight back, or at least try to fight back, you will eventually come up on top. This makes him rather stubborn, but his heart is in the right place. He favors a shield over a gun, another bit of proof that Steve would defend before aggression. He will fight to defend, but never to destroy."@en . "House"@en . "300"^^ . . . . . "Captain America: Civil War"@es . . "Steven Rogers"@es . . "Capit\u00E1n Am\u00E9rica y el Soldado del Invierno"@es . "The Bittiest American"@en . "Capit\u00E1n Am\u00E9rica: El Primer Vengador"@es . . "Steve Rogers said he was \u201Cjust a kid from Brooklyn\u201D, and that is simply the best way to describe him. For all that he becomes, he still is, essentially, just a kid. He has high ideals, that might seem outdated and ridiculous, but he is a man of morals and he won\u2019t do anything to compromise them. He believes in sacrifice and doing things for the greater good that he can be easily angered when he believes someone is being self-centered and would never do something if it meant they could potentially get hurt. If he doesn\u2019t die and instead gets frozen in a block of ice that would be okay too."@en . "Gender"@en . . "Thor: Un Mundo Oscuro"@es . . . "Steve Rogers (played by Doug Barron) is a local news reporter for television station operating near the Sunnyvale community. Steve has brought his news crew to cover events in Sunnyvale Trailer Park on two occasions. The first was the Trailer Park Supervisor election when they filmed the speeches between candidates Jim Lahey and Sam Losco (\"Jim Lahey Is A Drunk Bastard\"). This occurred as a result of Ricky's idea to pay the camera grew in dope, since it was known that they would 'do anything for weed'."@en . . "Male"@en . "Gryffindor"@en . . . . . "Vivo"@es . "Deceased"@en . . "Fourth"@en . . . "Agente Carter"@es . . "Steve Rogers (played by Doug Barron) is a local news reporter for television station operating near the Sunnyvale community. Steve has brought his news crew to cover events in Sunnyvale Trailer Park on two occasions. The first was the Trailer Park Supervisor election when they filmed the speeches between candidates Jim Lahey and Sam Losco (\"Jim Lahey Is A Drunk Bastard\"). This occurred as a result of Ricky's idea to pay the camera grew in dope, since it was known that they would 'do anything for weed'. Rogers later brought his business report to the park (filmed in high definition) where he covered both Cory & Trevor's Convenients store and Bubbles' Kittyland Love Center. The reports were haphazard in their execution since Cory and Trevor admitted to selling bootleg DVDs and single cigarettes at their store in clear violation of law. Later they were further botched by a bee attack while interviewing Ricky about Garbageland and further still when Jim Lahey appeared during the Kittyland segment, apparently drunk, and carrying piss jugs while rambling incoherently. Steve later reappeared at the park looking for a place to hold a bachelor party for himself. He and Julian worked out a deal for him to use the Bar and Gym, which resulted in a greasy horror show when Julian offered up Bubbles' sheds at an hourly rate for sex with his strippers. The party lasted all night and resulted in the infestation of the lot with crabs. (\"Whore-A-Geddon\")"@en . "Family"@en . "''Marvel de un Vistazo: Agente Carter"@es . . "Los Vengadores: La Era de Ultron"@es . "Steve Rogers"@hu . .