"Weapon:"@en . "Rachel Hillis"@en . "Rank:"@en . "-"@en . . "-"@en . "NAME: Rachel Hillis AGE: 17ORIENTATION: StraightSTEREOTYPE: Party girlLOOKS: brown hair blue eyesPERSONALITY: Rachel is an itelligent girl who is one of the only students who actuallys tries at school and enjoys learning although she loves to party as well which does effect getting up early for school. She is very laid back and doesnt like to start or deal with drama. Rachel also is outgoing and likes talking to everyone and meeting new people, she doesnt judge people and doesnt get along with those who do. She is not afriad to get in your face if you over step your boundries either.LIKES: hiking, swimming,drinking,running, and reading.DISLIKES: people who are completely phony, the dark, being alone, and heights.STRENGTHS: She is used to being in the outdoors all the time, can think fast o"@en . . "NAME: Rachel Hillis AGE: 17ORIENTATION: StraightSTEREOTYPE: Party girlLOOKS: brown hair blue eyesPERSONALITY: Rachel is an itelligent girl who is one of the only students who actuallys tries at school and enjoys learning although she loves to party as well which does effect getting up early for school. She is very laid back and doesnt like to start or deal with drama. Rachel also is outgoing and likes talking to everyone and meeting new people, she doesnt judge people and doesnt get along with those who do. She is not afriad to get in your face if you over step your boundries either.LIKES: hiking, swimming,drinking,running, and reading.DISLIKES: people who are completely phony, the dark, being alone, and heights.STRENGTHS: She is used to being in the outdoors all the time, can think fast on her feet, She is physically fit from track and hiking, persuasive and cunning. WEAKNESSES: She sometimes let her emotions take over, She smokes cigarettes,in addition when she fears shemight lose something or someone she gives it up because then its on her terms. Plus she is rather clumsy constantly falling down or running into things.FEARS: Being buried alive, Being lost and alone in the wilderness, Losing everyone who matters to her, and being burned alive.RELATIONSHIPS: She is dating Jason Matthews, who is in another class, and has been for 2 years although they do get in arguments they truely do care and love each other. Rachel and Paige have disliked each other since freshman year after Rachel caught Paige talking s*** about her to her boyfriend at the time. Rachel and Danny are best friends which does bother Jason most of the time and causes a good amount of the arguments, She is also good friends with Sadie whom she has alot in common with, and Candy.FAMILY: She lives with her father after her mother was killed in an accident, she has a pretty good life and family overall. After her mother died though her father did turn to alcohol but now he is recovering. GAMEPLAY: She is mainly just trying to get out of there alive, although she loves all her friends and Jason especially it wont matter if she doesnt survive although she will do her best to help them out without getting herself killed in the process, Although she might have a hidden agenda."@en . "In the Program"@en . "Kills:"@en . "Hammer"@en .