. "James Raidrage was brainwashed. He knew nothing. We wanted answers. He would go to the EITC to find answers. He got an oppointment with General Chero Newmail. \" I want answers. Who was I before Leon took me? \" asked James. \" I - I don't know. \" said Chero. \" Tell me! \" said James. \" I said I don't know! \" said Chero. James took a pistol off his belt. \" TELL ME!!! \" he said. \" I can't, it's not allowed! \" said Chero. \" Then, you're not allowed. \" said James. BLAM BLAM BLAM! James shot him. \" Here you are, at my feet, dying, as you should be. \" said James. He chuckled softly. Tune in later for the rest. Stub Raidrage Wants Answers is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . "Raidrage Wants Answers"@en . . "James Raidrage was brainwashed. He knew nothing. We wanted answers. He would go to the EITC to find answers. He got an oppointment with General Chero Newmail. \" I want answers. Who was I before Leon took me? \" asked James. \" I - I don't know. \" said Chero. \" Tell me! \" said James. \" I said I don't know! \" said Chero. James took a pistol off his belt. \" TELL ME!!! \" he said. \" I can't, it's not allowed! \" said Chero. \" Then, you're not allowed. \" said James. BLAM BLAM BLAM! James shot him. \" Here you are, at my feet, dying, as you should be. \" said James. He chuckled softly. Tune in later for the rest."@en . .