"Capitalism is a religion based around the sacrifice of pieces of paper and small metal circles to a greater god. This god has been known to be called \"Government\", \"Taxes\", and more commonly \"Republicans\". The people who practice this religion are most of the time very orthodox and even spend most of the hours in their lives doing work to earn these pieces of paper to sacrifice to their god. The most absurd aspect of this religion is that people are allowed to get mad at their god intead of their god getting mad at them."@en . . "Capitalism: The Religion"@en . . "Capitalism is a religion based around the sacrifice of pieces of paper and small metal circles to a greater god. This god has been known to be called \"Government\", \"Taxes\", and more commonly \"Republicans\". The people who practice this religion are most of the time very orthodox and even spend most of the hours in their lives doing work to earn these pieces of paper to sacrifice to their god. The most absurd aspect of this religion is that people are allowed to get mad at their god intead of their god getting mad at them. Even when the members of this religion are mad at their god, they still work to earn more pieces of paper to sacrifice to their god. Currently the religion of Capitalism is starting to dwindle due to the fact that the rediscovered religion of socialism is starting to grab a hold of more and more members who were preiviously Capitalists. Even though almost all hope is lost for Capitalism, Capitalists have been trying to receive guidance from their god by giving more and more pieces of paper. Capitalists also regain faith and hope in their religion as they celebrate \"Taxes day\". This day consists of activities like doing \"taxes\" and \"balancing checkbooks\". The Capitalists can't even get to sleep because of the excitement caused by this important day because they're so excited about what they are going to give. So remember instead of donating the pieces of paper to some girl in need of surgery, be selfless and sacrifice to the god of the one true religion in this world."@en .