. "jp name Kaitaishinsho code: Items: Files: Enemies: Allies: Area: Map: Links: Game: Tracks used: The B3F Laboratory entrance is an area of Raccoon General Hospital featured in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. If Carlos goes in that room and walking a little further before he enters Data room, a cutscene will appear, where he meets Tyrell Patrick, but he'll die because of the bomb exploided in the safe. If Carlos has already saw Nikolai in the Data Room, than two Hunters Beta will be present in that room."@en . "Resident Evil 3: Nemesis"@en . "jp name Kaitaishinsho code: Items: Files: Enemies: Allies: Area: Map: Links: Game: Tracks used: The B3F Laboratory entrance is an area of Raccoon General Hospital featured in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. If Carlos goes in that room and walking a little further before he enters Data room, a cutscene will appear, where he meets Tyrell Patrick, but he'll die because of the bomb exploided in the safe. If Carlos has already saw Nikolai in the Data Room, than two Hunters Beta will be present in that room. Some Handgun Ammo can be found here in the locker. If they aren't there, than their location is the Data Room. Also, two Green Herbs can be found here near the safe. If they aren't here, than their location is the Room 401."@en . . . . . . "B3F Laboratory Entrance"@en . "B3F Laboratory entrance"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .