. "The Shadow Crow was captained by the fierce Captain Manuel Lopez. He was born in spain, but traveled to the Caribbean to become a pirate. He was an amazing pirate, one of the few feared pirates who captain a sloop. The Spanish wanted him on their side, so he became Privateer Lopez. He went on many missions and became so close and trusted, that he had a say in the decisions of the Spanish Armada. The Spanish felt like he was not a privateer, but one of them. On one fateful mission, the Shadow Crow (now referred to as the Spanish Shadow Crow) was returning to Padres del Fuego. A fierce storm rose up, and Privateer Lopez was barely able to control the ship. Lighting struck a few times, and leaks sprung up. They were getting close to shore, when the Shadow Crow struck a rock, tearing a huge ga"@en . . . . "The Shadow Crow was captained by the fierce Captain Manuel Lopez. He was born in spain, but traveled to the Caribbean to become a pirate. He was an amazing pirate, one of the few feared pirates who captain a sloop. The Spanish wanted him on their side, so he became Privateer Lopez. He went on many missions and became so close and trusted, that he had a say in the decisions of the Spanish Armada. The Spanish felt like he was not a privateer, but one of them. On one fateful mission, the Shadow Crow (now referred to as the Spanish Shadow Crow) was returning to Padres del Fuego. A fierce storm rose up, and Privateer Lopez was barely able to control the ship. Lighting struck a few times, and leaks sprung up. They were getting close to shore, when the Shadow Crow struck a rock, tearing a huge gash in the hull. The ship sank and none survived. With the enormous amount of Voodoo in the world, and by Jolly Roger's doings, the Spanish Shadow Crow rose to sail again, fighting Jolly's enemies; although Lopez's as stuck with the Spanish, even as the undead. He will not attack another Spanish ship, unless he receives direct orders from Jolly himself to do so."@en . . . . "Shadow Crow"@en . . .