. . . . . . "It wasn't fair. And everything that was about to happen was Freedomstar's own fault. If he hadn't been so stubborn and mean, I wouldn't have to do any of this. The only things he wanted were honor and pride and would do anything to have strong warriors that could fight off any intruder or win any fight. That's why he had taken in that easdropping kit: Hiddenpaw. He had seen strength in her and wanted it for his own clan, knowing that the rogue would just go to another clan for help if he had refused. To be loyal to it. To fight for it. To die for it. To make it strong and unbeatable."@en . . . . . "Secret To Keep"@en . . "Secret To Keep"@en . . . . . "It wasn't fair. And everything that was about to happen was Freedomstar's own fault. If he hadn't been so stubborn and mean, I wouldn't have to do any of this. The only things he wanted were honor and pride and would do anything to have strong warriors that could fight off any intruder or win any fight. That's why he had taken in that easdropping kit: Hiddenpaw. He had seen strength in her and wanted it for his own clan, knowing that the rogue would just go to another clan for help if he had refused. He didn't have a heart like most cats thought. I had gone to him privately asking him to give me a few moons to do a private mission by myself away from the clan. I had told him it was extremely important to me and that I couldn't take no for an answer, but he hadn't let me. He told me he had to have all his warriors with his clan and that the thing which should be most important to me was MysteryClan. To be loyal to it. To fight for it. To die for it. To make it strong and unbeatable. Nothing else mattered. Nobody could understand what he was going through. And even if at least one warrior did, they couldn't do anything about it. The leader's word was law and everyone respected that. So he had to keep everthing a secret. Nothing could ruin his plan or it would be the last thing he ever did. But that aprentice. His apprentice. She knew. And she was a threat. A bigger threat than she thought. It took no more than a cat to destroy everything, especially an immature rogue-born apprentice. She didn't know anything about being a warrior yet or even about the clans. One selfish move from hers was bad enough. I suddenly started hearing pawsteps behind me and I knew it was one of my followers.\"You called us master?\" I turned around to face him. I had done well when I went out to look for rogues who wanted to do something just for fun. They didn't ask anything in return, especially to someone who could just beat them up like me. But they were very big and muscular; just the type I needed to do my work. \"It's time. I'll be expecting you in exactly one moon with everything I told you to get.\" I spoke slowly, letting my words sink in the rogue's mind. \"You better not mess anything up. You know the plan.\" The rogue nodded. \"You have succeded in becoming deputy?\" he asked. Succeded? It had been no hard work at all. I had been destined to be deputy and if it wasn't for Cindersky, I would have been deputy a long time ago. Just because I had been away when Freedomstar had decided who was to be the next deputy. But I didn't regret my absence at all. It had changed everything about me. And since then, nothing had been the same ever again. I smiled at the rogue, showing off my big fangs."@en . . . . .