. . "Sith"@en . . . . "139"^^ . . "Darth Wredd was a male Human Sith apprentice, who served the One Sith during the Second Imperial Civil War. The man who became Darth Wredd had once been a good-natured Force-sensitive warrior from the remote, primitive planet Mala. Towards the end of the Second Imperial Civil War, the One Sith had tested a bioweapon which destroyed all life on his homeworld. However, the Sith spared the warrior's life and he was apprenticed to a Sith Lord, who stripped him of his identity and forced him to wear a helmet which enhanced his dark-side powers. Embracing the dark side, Darth Wredd developed a homicidal hatred towards the Sith and sought to bring about their downfall. Following the death of Darth Krayt, which ended his Galactic Empire, Darth Wredd and his master went underground as part of the Sith strategy of infiltrating governments and corporations across the galaxy to restore their \"golden age.\" In 138 ABY, Darth Wredd found an opportunity to move against the One Sith during the Carreras Incident. After trapping an Imperial Knight named Yalta Val in the Surd Nebula, Darth Wredd killed his master and stole Master's Val's identity and armor. He then took control of the Carreras G51 communications array and used it to announce his presence to the wider galaxy. Wredd also attempted to kill Master Val before a live galactic audience but was thwarted by Ania Solo, a local junk dealer who was a descendant of the smuggler Han Solo. Despite failing to kill Master Val, Darth Wredd managed to escape the Carreras system in a getaway transport and initiated an insurgency against the One Sith. Darth Wredd began hunting down and killing Sith infiltrators across the galaxy. The rogue Sith was motivated by a desire for vengeance against those who had destroyed his homeworld and also wanted to establish a new Sith Order based on the Rule of Two. Following the Carreras Incident, the Imperial Knight Jao Assam experienced a Force vision of Darth Wredd attacking Empress Marasiah Fel, the daughter of Roan Fel and one of three triumvirs of the new Galactic Triumvirate. Jao and his new ally Ania Solo embarked on a quest to hunt down the rogue Sith. Darth Wredd planted a series of false clues which led Jao and Ania to the Calamari system, where another Sith named Darth Luft had established a slaving operation using Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees. Despite liberating the enslaved refugees and killing Darth Luft, Jao and Ania quickly learned from Darth Wredd himself that they had merely helped him to advance his goal of destroying the One Sith. Sensing Jao's potential, Darth Wredd attempted to tempt the Knight with an offer of becoming his apprentice in a reconstituted Sith Order. Later, Jao Assam returned to the galactic capital Coruscant to clear Ania's name when she was framed for the murder of the Imperial Knight Teemen Alton. Despite his role in securing Ania's exoneration, Jao was imprisoned for deserting the Imperial Knights, a crime which carried the death penalty. Exploiting Jao's predicament, Darth Wredd visited Jao in prison and offered to help him escape. Jao accepted the offer, not because he wanted to give himself over to the dark side, but instead because he wanted to foil whatever plot Darth Wredd was hatching against the Empress. However, Darth Wredd quickly deduced that Jao was still loyal to the Empress and tricked him into luring the Imperial Knights and the One Sith onto Mala, where he intended to exact his revenge against the One Sith for the wrongs they had inflicted on his homeworld. Darth Wredd's plan worked, and Mala became the site of a climactic battle between the Imperial Knights and the One Sith. Having succeeded with his goal of destroying the One Sith, Darth Wredd came to believe that he had delved too far into the dark side to be redeemed. Realizing that he was the only Sith left, he launched a suicidal attack on Empress Fel, nearly succeeding in killing her. However, he was thwarted by Jao Assam who attacked him with his lightsaber and succeeded in slicing off both his hands. In an attempt to draw Jao to the dark side, Darth Wredd tried to goad the Imperial Knight into killing him. However, Jao saw through his trick and refused to strike him down in anger. Ultimately, Darth Wredd was killed by Ania Solo, bringing an apparent end to the Sith presence in the galaxy."@en . . . . . . "*One Sith \n*Himself"@en . . "Grey; Yellow"@en . . "Light"@en . . "Darth Wredd"@en . . . . . "Darth Wredd was a male Human Sith apprentice, who served the One Sith during the Second Imperial Civil War. The man who became Darth Wredd had once been a good-natured Force-sensitive warrior from the remote, primitive planet Mala. Towards the end of the Second Imperial Civil War, the One Sith had tested a bioweapon which destroyed all life on his homeworld. However, the Sith spared the warrior's life and he was apprenticed to a Sith Lord, who stripped him of his identity and forced him to wear a helmet which enhanced his dark-side powers. Embracing the dark side, Darth Wredd developed a homicidal hatred towards the Sith and sought to bring about their downfall. Following the death of Darth Krayt, which ended his Galactic Empire, Darth Wredd and his master went underground as part of the S"@en . . . . "Darth Wredd"@en . . . .