"Mr. Caukenbolls is a character in Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969 and Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961. Mr. Caukenbolls is a V.I.P. and associate of the London mob who is kidnapped by ransomers. The protagonist kills the kidnappers by going to a bomb fitting shop, getting his car rigged with TNT, and blowing up their garage with it. Mr. Caukenbolls is rescued from a stolen London taxi, and whilst avoiding police is taken into a mob-owned hotel in North Soho."@en . . "Mr. Caukenbolls is a character in Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969 and Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961. Mr. Caukenbolls is a V.I.P. and associate of the London mob who is kidnapped by ransomers. The protagonist kills the kidnappers by going to a bomb fitting shop, getting his car rigged with TNT, and blowing up their garage with it. Mr. Caukenbolls is rescued from a stolen London taxi, and whilst avoiding police is taken into a mob-owned hotel in North Soho."@en . . . . "Mr. Caukenbolls"@en . .