"\u98A8\u611F\u77E5"@en . "Short, Mid, Long"@en . "Kaze Kanchi"@en . . "Anime, Manga, Game, Movie, Fanon Canon"@en . "No"@en . "Kekkei Genkai~Fujin Release"@en . . "Wind Sensing/ Air Sensing is an unique form of sensory-technique. Since, Ry\u016Bken can manipulate wind around him and control air pressure, he can disperse air around him and when bodies come in contact with air or inhale it, he is able to discern them regardless of how distant they are from Ry\u016Bken. As it is air, it is impossible for enemies to deduct that Ry\u016Bken is able to feel their presence. Any sudden change in the velocity of wind and change in air pressure would notify him, Ry\u016Bken can essentially track the whereabouts of objects that he wants to. This being a passive technique is said to be always activate and yet takes a little to no amount of chakra. If so he could setup controlled areas of air that coming into contact with would immediately alert him. But addition to simply chakra, i"@en . . "Supplementary"@en . "Air Sensing"@en . "No"@en . "D"@en . . "Wind Sensing"@en . . "Fujin Release"@en . "Wind Sensing"@en . "Rikuo Kaneko, Yuri K\u014Ddona, Ry\u016Bken Senju, Yuri K\u014Ddona Fanon/Canon"@en . "Wind Sensing"@en . "Wind Sensing/ Air Sensing is an unique form of sensory-technique. Since, Ry\u016Bken can manipulate wind around him and control air pressure, he can disperse air around him and when bodies come in contact with air or inhale it, he is able to discern them regardless of how distant they are from Ry\u016Bken. As it is air, it is impossible for enemies to deduct that Ry\u016Bken is able to feel their presence. Any sudden change in the velocity of wind and change in air pressure would notify him, Ry\u016Bken can essentially track the whereabouts of objects that he wants to. This being a passive technique is said to be always activate and yet takes a little to no amount of chakra. If so he could setup controlled areas of air that coming into contact with would immediately alert him. But addition to simply chakra, it could pickup projectiles or other inanimate objects. As stated by himself, this technique can be used to track down anyone within his range even if his opponent is invisible. He can even track people to their exact whereabouts even if they are using Chakra Suppression Technique."@en .