"8\u00BD"@en . . . . . . "8\u00BD, is a Plan 9 window system. It provides textual I/O and bitmap graphic services to both local and remote client programs by offering a multiplexed file service to those clients."@en . . . . "A pseudo-autobiographical film dealing with a director, Guido, trying to make a film, but suffering from \u201Cdirector\u2019s block.\u201D To make things worse, his personal life is also going under a lot of stress: his health is not ideal, he doesn\u2019t know where he is standing right now and he has problems wit both his wife and his lover. In other words, everything is conspiring to make his film sink like the Titanic. Later remade as the stage musical Nine, which itself was later adapted into a movie starring Daniel Day Lewis."@en . "A pseudo-autobiographical film dealing with a director, Guido, trying to make a film, but suffering from \u201Cdirector\u2019s block.\u201D To make things worse, his personal life is also going under a lot of stress: his health is not ideal, he doesn\u2019t know where he is standing right now and he has problems wit both his wife and his lover. In other words, everything is conspiring to make his film sink like the Titanic. One of Federico Fellini\u2019s better known works, it\u2019s a favorite of film directors for showing the trials and tribulations of the film directors. The movie is generally straightforward, but full of flashbacks and daydream sequences, practically without any warning (sometimes you don\u2019t realize you\u2019re watching a fantasy until later). It\u2019s also famous for a scene which we all would like to see realized in our lives. Later remade as the stage musical Nine, which itself was later adapted into a movie starring Daniel Day Lewis. \n* All Take and No Give: Guido. \n* Author Appeal: Deliberate. After all, it\u2019s a movie based on Fellini trying to make a movie. \n* Bad Liar: Guido, according to his wife. In one scene Guido\u2019s lover is seated nearby, and Luisa and her friend find astounding how Guido keeps lying about not knowing her when they both know she\u2019s his lover. \n* Better Than It Sounds/Film \n* Big Beautiful Woman: La Saraghina. \n* Bittersweet Ending: Actually, it\u2019s a Downer Ending, since both his movie and his marriage collapse. But the final scene of every character in the movie dancing in a row makes anyone smile. \n* Butt Monkey: Conocchia. \n* Casanova: Guido, although in this case you could say it\u2019s a Deconstruction. \n* Coming of Age Story: Guido must have\u2026 what, 40? But it still counts, since he looks back on his life and decides he has to change. \n* Cool Shades \n* The Danza: Claudia is played by Claudia Cardinale. \n* Daydream Surprise \n* Deliberately Monochrome \n* Driven to Suicide: Guido in the press conference. Might as well have been a daydream sequence, since he appears again in the next scene. \n* Dunce Cap: Young Guido. \n* Everyone Comes Back Fantasy Party Ending \n* Harem Seeker: Guido, of course. Just watch his harem imagination. \n* Heroic BSOD: When Guido finally accepts to himself he cannot make the film. \n* Imagine Spot \n* May-December Romance: Discussed with Mezzabotta and Gloria. Not only Guido confuses her with his daughter, but Mezzabotta also fears she is with him only for his money. \n* Meaningful Name: This is the 8\u00BD movie made by Fellini (before, he made 6 movie, 2 shorts and one co-collaboration). \n* Mr. Imagination: Guido. \n* The Muse: Claudia. \n* Naughty Nurse Outfit: Claudia in one of his daydreams. Like you needed Claudia Cardinale to be even hotter\u2026 \n* Nice Hat \n* Pretty in Mink: Carla. \n* Ridiculous Procrastinator: Guido uses any excuse available to skip working on his new film. Of course, the reason is because he doesn\u2019t have a clue of what to do. \n* Sexy Man, Instant Harem: That\u2019s what Guido\u2019s harem fantasy is all about. Played with when they all start calling him out, but then everything goes back to \u201Cnormal\u201D. \n* The Smart Guy: The writer. \n* Under Crank: When the priests are chasing young Guido. \n* Whip It Good: Guido to all the women of his harem. One of them is Too Kinky to Torture. \n* Word Salad Title: Of course, it\u2019s not even a word. \n* Writers Suck: Well, the writer is an insufferable intellectual who looks down on Guido\u2019s work. Fellini must have tried to say something there, right?"@en . . . . . . . . . "8"^^ . . . . . . "8\u00BD, is a Plan 9 window system. It provides textual I/O and bitmap graphic services to both local and remote client programs by offering a multiplexed file service to those clients."@en . . . . . "rio branch"@en . .