. "Cattle of Near-Harad"@en . . "Not as ubiquitous in Near Harad as sheep and goats, cattle were nonetheless important to the utarf. The bullock protected the herd and bred new cattle. The ox, a bull shorn of his manhood as a young calf, pulled the peasant's plough and cart. The cow provided more milk than an ewe and more fertilizer than a goat. When worn out from bearing calves, she could be sold to the sihadin as beef, providing hard cash for the peasant. The hides of all cattle provided the best common leather in Harad. The hump-shoulder Haruzan breed was the most common, standing shoulder-high to a Bozishnarod, grey-brown in color, protecting itself with short, high horns. The D\u00FAnedain of Harondor prefered a larger breed, the Summerland brown, with a straight back and broader, more massive horns. For a greater variety"@en . "Not as ubiquitous in Near Harad as sheep and goats, cattle were nonetheless important to the utarf. The bullock protected the herd and bred new cattle. The ox, a bull shorn of his manhood as a young calf, pulled the peasant's plough and cart. The cow provided more milk than an ewe and more fertilizer than a goat. When worn out from bearing calves, she could be sold to the sihadin as beef, providing hard cash for the peasant. The hides of all cattle provided the best common leather in Harad. The hump-shoulder Haruzan breed was the most common, standing shoulder-high to a Bozishnarod, grey-brown in color, protecting itself with short, high horns. The D\u00FAnedain of Harondor prefered a larger breed, the Summerland brown, with a straight back and broader, more massive horns. For a greater variety of leather, the horn and hide dealers of Harad looked to the black, white, and spotted animals brought over the eastern mountans into Lurmsakun by Variag and Chey drovers every summer."@en . . .