"File:TerrainSpecial Wild Game.png Wild Game is a common type of Terrain Special - specifically one of the Minerals. It appears as a brown stag on the overland map, and will always be placed in Forest tiles by default. If the Wild Game tile is within the catchment area of a Town, that town receives an increase of File:Icon Food.png, and its Maximum Population grows by +2. By feeding two thousand inhabitants unconditionally, this terrain special can allow small towns to generate several times as many File:Icon Production.png as otherwise they would. Each Wild Game frees up to two Subsistence Farmers to be reassigned as Workers, as desired, making it a considerable asset in the development of basic infrastructure; most notably, a just-founded Hamlet can change its single Farmer into a Worker, doubling the town's File:Icon Production.png . Wild Game is not affected by bonuses from Town Buildings. It cannot be altered by the Transmute spell, and no new Wild Game minerals can be added to the map after starting the game. Wild Game can be removed from a tile by raising a Volcano in that tile. Corruption temporarily removes the bonuses that Wild Game gives to nearby towns."@en . . . . . "File:TerrainSpecial Wild Game.png Wild Game is a common type of Terrain Special - specifically one of the Minerals. It appears as a brown stag on the overland map, and will always be placed in Forest tiles by default. If the Wild Game tile is within the catchment area of a Town, that town receives an increase of File:Icon Food.png, and its Maximum Population grows by +2."@en . "Wild Game"@en . .