. . "Morgantown, Georgia was the setting of Bo Willis' illegal distilley operation. Willis maintained control of a majority of buisnesses and local law enforcement under Sherrif Weems. Steve Austin went to Morgantown to investigate the death of a friend and fellow agent who was investigating Bo Willis' operation and his connection to officials in Washington, D.C. Morgantown is a fictional city. Its exact location in Georgia is unspecified but, according to Oscar Goldman, it is near Atlanta. (The White Lightning War)"@en . "Morgantown, Georgia"@en . . "Morgantown, Georgia was the setting of Bo Willis' illegal distilley operation. Willis maintained control of a majority of buisnesses and local law enforcement under Sherrif Weems. Steve Austin went to Morgantown to investigate the death of a friend and fellow agent who was investigating Bo Willis' operation and his connection to officials in Washington, D.C. Morgantown is a fictional city. Its exact location in Georgia is unspecified but, according to Oscar Goldman, it is near Atlanta. (The White Lightning War)"@en .