"Janine wakes up the Butcher household in the middle of the night, screaming. Carol rushes in to the living room and cuts her feet on some broken glass. David looks after Janine, who insists Pat was there and talking to her - she smashed Pat\u2019s picture to shut her up. David reassures Janine that she was hallucinating after mixing sleeping pills and alcohol. The next morning, David and Carol are having a heartfelt conversation about him, Joe and the family when Masood arrives with a letter for Janine. David quickly sends him away. David shows Janine the letter \u2013 it\u2019s an invoice for her restraining order against Michael. Janine sobs and tells David she cared about Michael. Janine wonders if she\u2019s cursed. David hugs her. He mentions that Carol was wondering how long Janine was planning on stayi"@en . "30.0"^^ . "4746"^^ . "Janine wakes up the Butcher household in the middle of the night, screaming. Carol rushes in to the living room and cuts her feet on some broken glass. David looks after Janine, who insists Pat was there and talking to her - she smashed Pat\u2019s picture to shut her up. David reassures Janine that she was hallucinating after mixing sleeping pills and alcohol. The next morning, David and Carol are having a heartfelt conversation about him, Joe and the family when Masood arrives with a letter for Janine. David quickly sends him away. David shows Janine the letter \u2013 it\u2019s an invoice for her restraining order against Michael. Janine sobs and tells David she cared about Michael. Janine wonders if she\u2019s cursed. David hugs her. He mentions that Carol was wondering how long Janine was planning on staying. Stung, Janine stands and insists she\u2019s going to pull her sleeves up \u2013 just like David said Pat would do. Janine gets dressed up for work and tells David Carol can stop worrying, she\u2019s going to be allowed back into No.27 that afternoon. David realises Janine\u2019s putting on an act and accuses her of running away from herself. Joey arrives and demands that Janine visit Alice. Janine slams the door in his face and Joey starts banging on the window. Janine\u2019s shaken and explains to David it\u2019s exactly what Pat was doing in her dream. She admits Pat\u2019s always in her head. Janine reckons that if Pat was here now she\u2019d be telling her she was evil. David assures her Pat said the same things to him but they\u2019ve got to move on and Janine has to focus on her daughter. This prompts Janine to visit Alice. David and Carol argue about his concern for Janine. David\u2019s exasperated \u2013 Carol\u2019s always telling him he\u2019ll never change and when he does she doesn\u2019t like it. In the midst of all this Bianca arrives home; she\u2019s thrilled to see David and to be reunited with her kids. Then there\u2019s a knock at the door. David answers it and finds a man on the doorstep. Bianca introduces him as Terry and reveals he\u2019s going to be moving in. A terrified Alice lies in her cell listening to the sounds of the prison. Joey can\u2019t sleep, keen to get to the prison as soon as he possibly can. He tells Kat it doesn\u2019t make any sense, Alice isn\u2019t violent and Kat suggests it might have been a crime of passion. Joey visits Alice, they hug and he reassures her they\u2019ll sort everything out. Joey\u2019s aghast to realise Alice did stab Michael and worries that her jealousy gives her a motive. Alice insists she was defending Janine and only stabbed Michael once. Joey wonders why she wasn\u2019t charged with manslaughter and let out on bail. Alice thinks there must have been some terrible mix up and asks him to talk to Janine. After Joey confronts her, Janine goes to see Alice. Janine denies that Alice was defending her, instead telling Alice she\u2019s in denial about killing Michael and advising her to plead guilty. A grieving Alfie can\u2019t sleep and rejects Roxy\u2019s attempts to talk to him. Later, Alfie snaps at Roxy for having accepted a delivery of fireworks, having decided it\u2019s not appropriate to have a party in light of Michael\u2019s death. Despite Roxy asking her not to talk to Alfie, Kat steps in telling Alfie he\u2019s allowed to be upset but not to blame other people. Alfie apologises to Roxy and tells her the fireworks party is back on \u2013 Kat\u2019s suggested setting them off in memory of Michael. Masood complains to AJ that whenever he goes over to Carol\u2019s David\u2019s there and worries David is stopping her seeing him. Carol wonders what the problem is \u2013 reminding Masood she told him she loves him."@en . . . "2013-11-07"^^ . . . . "Episode 4746 (5th November 2013)"@en . "2013-11-04"^^ . "--11-05"^^ . . "Christopher Reason"@en . . . . . "Karl Neilson"@en .