"Kingdom of Lusitania"@en . "recognized 1143"@en . . "Kingdom of Lusitania (Via Latina)"@en . "Approx. 15 million"@en . "Via Latina"@en . . . . "Duarte Nuno"@en . "approx. 2,140,744.3"@en . "Portuguese"@en . "The Kingdom of Lusitania has been allied with the Kingdom of Britannia since the 1386 Treaty of Windsor. Currently, Lusitania is not formally allied with Britannia, but there is an understanding that if Lusitania is attacked, then Britannia will reply to the attacker with the might of her armies, fleets, and air fleets."@en . "escudo"@en . . . . "Lisboa"@en . "Ministro principal do reino"@en . "Rei de Portugal"@en . "name of chief of government"@en . "Reino de Portugal"@en . "The Kingdom of Lusitania has been allied with the Kingdom of Britannia since the 1386 Treaty of Windsor. Currently, Lusitania is not formally allied with Britannia, but there is an understanding that if Lusitania is attacked, then Britannia will reply to the attacker with the might of her armies, fleets, and air fleets."@en . .