"Unyielding Dreamis a Spin-Off to the One Piece fanon Story written by Wyvern 0m3g4, One Dream. The story revolves around the Archaeologist of The Jolly Pirates Drazil and and focus on his past and adventures before joining the Jolly's. It was Written by Jakyou in hope to help unravel the mystery that is Drazil and to give a more deeper insite as to why he is the way he is."@en . . . "Unyielding Dreamis a Spin-Off to the One Piece fanon Story written by Wyvern 0m3g4, One Dream. The story revolves around the Archaeologist of The Jolly Pirates Drazil and and focus on his past and adventures before joining the Jolly's. It was Written by Jakyou in hope to help unravel the mystery that is Drazil and to give a more deeper insite as to why he is the way he is."@en . "Unyielding Dream!"@en . . . . .