. "Shia tribes"@en . "Abu Mustafa al-Sheibani"@en . . "103000"^^ . "618000"^^ . "the Iraq War and the Iraqi insurgency"@en . . "Ibrahim al-Jaafari"@en . "Abu Ayyub al-Masri"@en . "Fakri Hadi Gari"@en . . "Nouri al-Maliki"@en . "Izzat Ibrahim ad-Douri"@en . . "Coalition"@en . . "* Tens of thousands of Iraqis killed\n* 4 million people displaced\n* Shi'a dominated governments formed after 2005 and 2010 elections\n* Eventual improvements in public security\n* Presence of British and American troops in advise and assist roles until 2011"@en . . "Sunni factions:"@en . "Central Iraq and Baghdad"@en . . . . "Awakening Council militias"@en . "Dia Abdul Zahra Kadim"@en . . . . "Abu Suleiman"@en . "Tommy Franks"@en . "Mahdi Army: 60,000"@en . "'''\n Iraqi security forces"@en . "* Islamic State of Iraq\n Iraqi Ba'ath Party Loyalists"@en . "Ahmad Abu Risha"@en . "Abu Musab al-Zarqawi"@en . "Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim"@en . "al-Qaeda in Iraq"@en . . . . "Badr Organisation: 20,000"@en . "* Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation\n* Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order\nAnsar al-Sunna"@en . "Contractors"@en . "'''Public security:"@en . . "Rogue elements among the Iraqi security forces"@en . "Abu Abdullah al-Shafi'i"@en . "Islamic Army of Iraq"@en . . "Iraqi Security Forces"@en . . . "~7,000"@en . "Civil war in Iraq"@en . "N.B.: The factional situation is complex; Sunni- and Shi'ite-linked militias have also fought amongst each other, and have colluded with government forces. Some casualties also linked to the crime activities and not due to the war. See the full text for details."@en . "Other militias"@en . . . "United Kingdom"@en . "Sons of Iraq"@en . . . "Soldiers of Heaven"@en . "Qais al-Khazali"@en . "Arkan Hasnawi"@en . "Peshmerga"@en . "Ishmael Jubouri"@en . "Special Groups: 7,000"@en . "Saddam Hussein"@en . "22"^^ . "Foreign Mujahedeen: 1,300"@en . "Massoud Barzani"@en . "Abu Deraa"@en . "Abu Omar al-Baghdadi"@en . . . . "25"^^ . "Shi'a factions:"@en . "Akram al-Kabi"@en . "Private Security Contractors"@en . "United States"@en . "Jalal Talabani"@en . "Sunni tribes"@en . . . . "Soldiers of Heaven: 1,000"@en . . "Sunni Insurgents: 70,000"@en . . . "Civil war/sectarian violence in Iraq"@en . "Other Sunni insurgents and militia"@en . "* Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq\n* Kata'ib Hezbollah\n* Promised Day Brigades\n Badr Brigades"@en . "Abdul Aziz al-Hakim"@en . "Ahmed Hassani al-Yemeni"@en . . . "~49,700 current"@en . "Hadi al-Amiri"@en . "Abdul Sattar Abu Risha"@en . "Mahdi Army"@en . "20062007"^^ . "Mohammed Younis al-Ahmed"@en .