"Memory Alpha:Use common sense"@en . . . . . "Memory Alpha has many rules. Instead of following every rule, it is acceptable to use common sense as you go about editing. Being too wrapped up in rules can cause you to lose perspective, so there are times when it is better to ignore a rule. Even if a contribution \"violates\" the precise wording of a rule, it might still be a good contribution. Similarly, just because something is not forbidden in a written rule, or is even explicitly permitted, doesn't mean it's a good idea in every situation (for example, do not disrupt Memory Alpha to prove a point ). The spirit of the rules is more important than the letter. Our goal is to improve Memory Alpha so that it better informs readers. Being able to articulate \"common sense\" reasons why a change helps the archive is good, and Archivists should not ignore those reasons because they don't cite other policies. The principle of the rules \u2013 to make Memory Alpha thrive \u2013 is more important than the letter. Archivists must use their best judgment. Invoking the principle of ignore all rules on its own will not convince anyone that you were right, so you will need to persuade the rest of the community that your actions improved the archive."@en . . . "Memory Alpha has many rules. Instead of following every rule, it is acceptable to use common sense as you go about editing. Being too wrapped up in rules can cause you to lose perspective, so there are times when it is better to ignore a rule. Invoking the principle of ignore all rules on its own will not convince anyone that you were right, so you will need to persuade the rest of the community that your actions improved the archive."@en .