. . "\"You, my son, are the most satire being in existance! You are a fortune to the world!\" Wugo is the almighty emperor of a universe far, far, away. He is approximately 84.5 million years old, but only now has started to become an elderly man. He is most famous for being the only Geeman from an alternate dimension hitting puberty younger than 13 years old."@en . . "Wugo"@en . . "\"You, my son, are the most satire being in existance! You are a fortune to the world!\" Wugo is the almighty emperor of a universe far, far, away. He is approximately 84.5 million years old, but only now has started to become an elderly man. He is most famous for being the only Geeman from an alternate dimension hitting puberty younger than 13 years old."@en . .