"Player Default: Where else could you go?"@en . "Player Default: No. Just pulling your chain."@en . "{Angry} You know, I've been hearing that exact sentence from people for two centuries. Fine. I'm leaving."@en . "{quoting the vault-tec sales pitch at the end in excitement / Happy} You know what? Since we talked, I'm feeling swell! Look at the two of us, here in Sanctuary. \"Prepared for the future!\""@en . "{Angry} Well, I had to get to the future the hard way. Living through the... filth! The.. decay! And the bloodshed!"@en . . "Player Default: Goodneighbor seems like an okay place. Just make the most of it."@en . "Player Default: What? You don't remember me? I sold you that space in the Vault! But then I wasn't on the list to get in."@en . "{Grateful} Yes! Oh my god, this... this is the best thing to happen to me since... the worst thing to happen to me..."@en . . "{Sad} They just... left me there..."@en . "Y1b"@en . "Companion: If this ghoul ends up livin' anywhere near me, I'm movin' out."@en . "{Angry} Look at me! I'm a Ghoul! A freak!"@en . "{bitter} Can't believe you're still alive. Just my luck."@en . "{imitating a Mister Handy, sarcastic / Sarcastic} Welcome to our happy home, sir. Can I get you a drink? Cheerio!"@en . "X1b"@en . "Player Default: The Vault had these pods that froze us in place. I only thawed out recently."@en . "Player Default: Yeah, I'm from Sanctuary."@en . "Got nothing to say, huh? HUH?"@en . "Player Default: Yeah, I think your... sales experience... can be a great asset."@en . "Player Default: You're not my problem. Now get out of my way."@en . "{Angry} Yeah, right. You'll ditch me there, and then it's me and that crazy robot of yours talking about those fucking hedges again for a year."@en . "A1b"@en . "{breaking down / Depressed} You know... you're the only other person I met from... before. I... uh... I..."@en . "{excited about the possibility of having purpose again / Surprised} A job? F-for me? Really?"@en . "Y2b"@en . "3377"^^ . "{Grateful} You do? Well that's... that's great! I won't let you down!"@en . "{Confident} I'll take that job, and I'll show you what a fully accredited Vault-Tec Representative can really do!"@en . "{Angry} Radiation Surplus Mart that's what a Ghoul is! You think I'd be able to live this long on my own? The Rads did this to me."@en . "WorkshopRecruitVaultTec: What are you doing, yanking my chain again?"@en . "Player Default: Wait. Are you from Vault-Tec?"@en . "Player Default: Must have me mistaken for someone else."@en . "{Angry} You mean crazy Kent and \"nothing bothers me\" Daisy? Yeah, there's a couple of us. But no one from the neighborhood. No one from Vault-Tec."@en . "{Angry} I AM Vault-Tec! Twenty years of loyal service and now look at me. I wasn't on the list."@en . "802.0"^^ . "WorkshopRecruitVaultTec: You do? Well that's... that's great! I won't let you down!"@en . "{Angry} No... No it's not right. It's not fair! Do you know what I've been through these past 200 years? Look at me! I'm a Ghoul! A freak!"@en . "{Angry} What? You don't remember me? I sold you that space in the Vault! But then I wasn't on the list to get in."@en . "Player Default: Yeah, I'm from Sanctuary."@en . "{player convinced you to return to Sanctuary Hills and promised to visit / Happy} You came to visit! I... I almost thought you wouldn't..."@en . "Player Default: I'm so sorry. I didn't know this would happen."@en . "{Angry} After the bombs fells, and I came to, that bucket of bolts was still there! Trimming those fucking hedges like nothing had happened."@en . "{Sad} No... just... just leave me alone."@en . "A2a"@en . "{Irritated} Of all the things to bring up... No, no I'm not going to let that get to me anymore... it's in the past..."@en . "VaultTecRepGoodneighbor.txt"@en . . "Player Default: The Vault had these pods that froze us in place. I only thawed out recently."@en . "{Surprised} Really? You... you will?"@en . "{sarcastic / Angry} Oh... oh that's rich... Real funny. Well I don't get to laugh at what happened. Look at me! I'm a Ghoul! A freak!"@en . "Oh sure, just stand and stare at the freak..."@en . "B1a"@en . "0"^^ . "A1c"@en . "{Angry} Diamond City bigots don't allow Ghouls inside. It's just here or back at Sanctuary talking to that crazy robot of yours."@en . "6.31152E9"^^ . "-"@en . . "10"^^ . "{player convinced you to return to Sanctuary Hills and you're on your way} You're going to come visit, right?"@en . "{Angry} You know if you heard that same \"keep your chin up\" shit for two centuries, you might feel a bit different. Just... just leave me alone."@en . "{Angry} But you. Look at you. Two hundred years and you're still perfect! How? How's that possible?"@en . . "Y1a"@en . "802"^^ . "Player Default: You don't know? They didn't tell you?"@en . "{bitter} Look at you. Two centuries and your skin's as smooth as a baby..."@en . "Player Default: Yeah, I think your... sales experience... can be a great asset."@en . "VaultTecGhoul: But you. Look at you. Two hundred years and you're still perfect! How? How's that possible?"@en . "{bitter} You have no idea what it's been like scrounging around for two centuries with this ugly mug..."@en . "Player Default: Just make sure it goes better than your last job."@en . "A"@en . "Player Default: Well, you kill enough people, sooner or later something's bound to make you immortal."@en . "8"^^ . "Player Default: Hey, you know you could head back to Sanctuary. I'll come visit. I promise."@en . "14"^^ . "{Nervous} Okay. I'll head over there right now. You promise you'll come visit, right? I'll see you there!"@en . "Player Default: Yeah, Codsworth has a few... personality quirks."@en . "2"^^ . "Player Default: You're a Ghoul? What's a Ghoul?"@en . "Player Default: Yeah, what do you say? Want to work for me?"@en . "3"^^ . "{sarcastic / Angry} Oh... oh that's rich... Real funny. Just like that robot of yours."@en . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "{Disgust} What are you doing, yanking my chain again?"@en . "A1a"@en . "190000"^^ . "A2b"@en . "{Happy} You know, things are looking up! I can feel it this time!"@en . "7"^^ . "4"^^ . "4"^^ . "Y2a"@en . "X1a"@en . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "{bitter} Can't believe you made it into the vault. I was Vault-Tec. They just left me there to die!"@en . "B2b"@en . "0008511C"@en . "Player Default: You met Codsworth? What did he say?"@en . "Player Default: Hey, you know you could head back to Sanctuary. I'll come visit. I promise."@en . "{muttering to yourself} Can't believe it! Just look at you..."@en . "9223372036854775807"^^ . "{Angry} Just like that, over and over again. He was the only one still alive that I could talk to. A year went by before I couldn't take it anymore!"@en . "{Angry} You're not fooling me. I sold you that space in the Vault, remember? But then I wasn't on the list to get in."@en . "B2a"@en . "{Depressed} They didn't tell me much. Vault-Tec. Just to make sure everyone filled out their forms. I was supposed to win a pack of steak knives..."@en . . "{Surprised} What? Vault-Tec never told me that! Unbelieveable!"@en . "Player Default: Your guess is as good as mine."@en .