"* Does not meet any requirements to go to L or K"@en . "???"@en . "???"@en . "* FBB is present in the ESCORT fleet"@en . "default"@en . "* Historical routing, requirement unknown"@en . "* Failed the LoS check\n* Amount of BB+CV \u2267 4 total in BOTH fleet"@en . "* Pass the LoS check AND do not meet any requirements to go to M"@en . "* Choice"@en . . "* Choice"@en . . "2"^^ . . "???"@en . "1"^^ . "Fall 2016 Event/E-3"@en . . "4"^^ . "\u767A\u4EE4\uFF01\u8266\u968A\u4F5C\u6226\u7B2C\u4E09\u6CD5"@en . . "Proclamation! Fleet Strategy Plan #3"@en . . . "* Amount of DD \u2267 3 in ESCORT fleet\n* Historical ships in fleet \u2267 6"@en . "* Does not meet the requirements to go to G"@en . "Surface Task Force"@en . "* Slow Fleet\n* Amount of CV \u2267 3"@en . . . "???"@en . "* Amount of DD = 2 in fleet\n* Historical ships is present but amount is \u2266 5."@en . "* Fast Fleet AND Fleet contains NO CV AND Fleet contains NO FBB in the ESCORT fleet"@en . "* Amount of BB + CV \u2267 4 in MAIN fleet"@en . . "60.0"^^ . . "Interception Fleet"@en . "Carrier Task Force"@en . "* Does not meet the requirements to go to H"@en . . "* Historical routing, requirement unknown"@en . "* Fast Fleet"@en . . "* Fixed route"@en . "Combined Fleet@Combined Fleet, Abyssal Combined Fleet@Abyssal Combined Fleet, Ship Locking@Events/Mechanics#Ship_Locking, Boss Debilitation@Events/Mechanics#Map-specific_Mechanics"@en . "1"^^ . "1"^^ . "7"^^ . . "4"^^ . . "* Amount of DD \u2267 3 in ESCORT fleet\n* Amount of CLT \u2267 2 AND at least a BB is in the MAIN fleet\n* Historical routing, requirement unknown"@en . "Hatsurei! Kantai Sakusen Dai San-h\u014D"@en .