. . . "The VC5 Arc Rifle is one of the latest additions to the Helghast arsenal and is manufactured by Visari Corporation. The VC5 holds four reservoirs of weapons-grade petrusite, a substance which draws energy from the surrounding air and condenses it into high voltage charges. When fired, the electrical charge locks onto the closest conductive target and other targets close enough to that target. It has interruptable reload, which is ideal in the middle of a fight. This weapon returns in Killzone 3, wielded by specialized Stahl Arms Troopers. It is, unfortunately, unwieldable."@en . "The VC5 Arc Rifle is one of the latest additions to the Helghast arsenal and is manufactured by Visari Corporation. The VC5 holds four reservoirs of weapons-grade petrusite, a substance which draws energy from the surrounding air and condenses it into high voltage charges. When fired, the electrical charge locks onto the closest conductive target and other targets close enough to that target. It has interruptable reload, which is ideal in the middle of a fight. It is a medium-range weapon found in Killzone 2, and it is also a campaign-only weapon, and is only found once in the entire game, in the Tharsis Refinery. This weapon returns in Killzone 3, wielded by specialized Stahl Arms Troopers. It is, unfortunately, unwieldable."@en . "VC5 Arc Rifle"@en . . . . . . . .