. "theclonewars/guide/episode315.html"@en . "The prophecy of the Chosen One was an ancient Jedi legend that foretold the coming of a being who would restore balance to the Force. The idea of balance of the Force, a central tenet of the Jedi Order, refers to the ideal state in which the Force exists in nature, i.e. as the light side. The presence of the dark side corrupts and destroys this natural balance, and the Jedi viewed it as their duty to restore it. The prophecy was one of hundreds of obscure legends maintained by the Jedi Order, though its origins and actual content remain unknown. It was thought to have been created by the earliest Jedi philosophers, after the creation of the Galactic Republic but before the Jedi assumed an active role in it. The prophecy detailed the birth of one strong in the Force, who would ultimately bring balance to that mystical energy field through their actions. It also indicated that this being would, in restoring balance, destroy the Sith, who were the cause of unbalance, with their use of the dark side of the Force. However, as the Sith were believed destroyed at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, the prophecy was disregarded by the Jedi High Council. The prophecy was not explicit, but the Jedi assumed that the Chosen One would be a Jedi, due to the prophecy's being a Jedi prophecy. It was once said that Anakin Skywalker would fulfill the prophecy of the Chosen One by temporarily killing one of the last of the Sith in 4 ABY, this was later proven false as Kyle Katarn, the legend, would be confirmed as the true Chosen One. Kyle Katarn actually helped the Force, which was in fact Superman. Together, they helped fight evil in the galaxy."@en . . . . "Wookieepedia:April Fools' Day 2012/Chosen One"@en . "movies/saga/20090204.html"@en . . "The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Overlords"@en . "Debunking the \"Son of Suns\" Myth"@en . . . . . . "The prophecy of the Chosen One was an ancient Jedi legend that foretold the coming of a being who would restore balance to the Force. The idea of balance of the Force, a central tenet of the Jedi Order, refers to the ideal state in which the Force exists in nature, i.e. as the light side. The presence of the dark side corrupts and destroys this natural balance, and the Jedi viewed it as their duty to restore it."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . .