"Trei didn't exactly have the best upbringing and she never got along with her family. she was moved around most of her life because of a unstable family environment. she and sisters even lived with her grandparents for many years due to her mom's \"hobbies\". Her mom tore through men and didn\u2019t care much for her children. Trei spent a lot of her life cooking and homemaking for her siblings until the day she decided she couldn\u2019t live with her mom anymore. She wasn't sad though because even though she liked and always cared for her sisters she was around 5-7 years apart from them. due to this age difference she grew up more like a single mother that a sister with them and has always been a little lonely. she would have gone to live with her father, whom she respects very much, but he was never"@en . "Trei didn't exactly have the best upbringing and she never got along with her family. she was moved around most of her life because of a unstable family environment. she and sisters even lived with her grandparents for many years due to her mom's \"hobbies\". Her mom tore through men and didn\u2019t care much for her children. Trei spent a lot of her life cooking and homemaking for her siblings until the day she decided she couldn\u2019t live with her mom anymore. She wasn't sad though because even though she liked and always cared for her sisters she was around 5-7 years apart from them. due to this age difference she grew up more like a single mother that a sister with them and has always been a little lonely. she would have gone to live with her father, whom she respects very much, but he was never really in the right moment in his life to have a kid live with him. She ended up moving in with her friends Po and Sin-Ga. Even though she didn\u2019t have a wonderful past she tries to always stay happy and ignore anything that happened before. she is a bit afraid of ending up alone so when she gets comfortable with somebody she ends up sticking to them (a bit like a lost puppy). She wasn't too popular in school because she changed schools almost yearly. She tended to just hang out alone and had a hard time trusting people. she hangs out more with males than females she usually was the target of gossip, rumors, and on occasion people picked fights with her. Thanks to it she seems like she takes insults really well, though she actually dwells on them for a long time. Currently she lives as a room mate with Po and Kuota. She hopes to move into a bigger house once Sin-Ga is out of school."@en . . "Trei"@en .