. . . "--"@es . "La Death Rogumer (\u30C7\u30B9\u30ED\u30B0\u30DE\u30FC Desu Rogumaa?, Trad. Muerte Rogumer) es una nave de batalla \u00E1rea originalmente entregada a La 7ma Unidad Voladora de los Maverick Hunters, y era comandada por Storm Eagle. Despu\u00E9s de que Eagle se uni\u00F3 a la Rebeli\u00F3n de Sigma, se convirti\u00F3 en una fortaleza para los Mavericks. La Death Rogumer transport\u00F3 a Vile para encontrarse con X en su 1ra batalla, al igual que a los Road Attackers, y tambi\u00E9n sirvi\u00F3 como Sal\u00F3n de Batalla de Storm Eagle. Despu\u00E9s de la muerte de Eagle, la Death Rogumer choc\u00F3 en La Planta de Poder Electromagn\u00E9tico de Spark Mandrill causando el corte de energ\u00EDa de la instalaci\u00F3n. Asi mismo, uno puede hallar unas C\u00E1psulas de Energ\u00EDa situadas en El Ala adyacente a la plataforma, a la cual debe llegarse antes de pasar por el Pasadizo de Batalla, sino despu\u00E9s es imposible."@es . "\u30C7\u30B9\u30ED\u30B0\u30DE\u30FC"@es . "Death Rogumer is the airship in the intro stage of Mega Man X. Road Attackers emerge from it, as does Vile. This is also the airship that X and Storm Eagle do battle on during that particular boss battle. X's entrance into the boss fight actually damages the ship, and after Storm Eagle is beaten, it crashes into Spark Mandrill's location, the Electromagnetic Power Plant, and the destruction caused cripples its functionality. The Death Rogumer later reappears along with Storm Eagle in Mega Man Xtreme as a data recreation. In Mega Man X, there is a large life energy and large weapon energy can be found on the purple wing to the right of the platform that carries X into the fight. X can obtain these by going behind the gray engine, and then slipping down. This does not work in Mega Man Xtreme, as the wing is not solid and will cause X to fall to his death."@en . "DeathRogumer.jpg"@es . . "La Death Rogumer (\u30C7\u30B9\u30ED\u30B0\u30DE\u30FC Desu Rogumaa?, Trad. Muerte Rogumer) es una nave de batalla \u00E1rea originalmente entregada a La 7ma Unidad Voladora de los Maverick Hunters, y era comandada por Storm Eagle. Despu\u00E9s de que Eagle se uni\u00F3 a la Rebeli\u00F3n de Sigma, se convirti\u00F3 en una fortaleza para los Mavericks. La Death Rogumer transport\u00F3 a Vile para encontrarse con X en su 1ra batalla, al igual que a los Road Attackers, y tambi\u00E9n sirvi\u00F3 como Sal\u00F3n de Batalla de Storm Eagle. Despu\u00E9s de la muerte de Eagle, la Death Rogumer choc\u00F3 en La Planta de Poder Electromagn\u00E9tico de Spark Mandrill causando el corte de energ\u00EDa de la instalaci\u00F3n."@es . "Death Rogumer"@es . "--"@es . "200"^^ . . . "--"@es . "Death Rogumer"@en . . "Mega Man X\nMega Man Xtreme"@en . . . "Death Rogumer"@es . "Desu Rogumaa"@es . "Death Rogumer"@en . "275"^^ . "Death Rogumer is the airship in the intro stage of Mega Man X. Road Attackers emerge from it, as does Vile. This is also the airship that X and Storm Eagle do battle on during that particular boss battle. X's entrance into the boss fight actually damages the ship, and after Storm Eagle is beaten, it crashes into Spark Mandrill's location, the Electromagnetic Power Plant, and the destruction caused cripples its functionality. The Death Rogumer later reappears along with Storm Eagle in Mega Man Xtreme as a data recreation."@en . .