"Sauron"@en . "Known for the most unpleasant screech, one of the Nine, the third Nazgul beside The Witch King and Khamul and Lord of now corrupted Harad he led of the siege of Pelargir and stopped when the corsairs of Umbar have been boarded. When the Witch king died Khamul took his place and Morsir became his right hand."@en . . "Harad"@en . "Adunabeth"@en . "Male"@en . . . "The Nine"@en . "Known for the most unpleasant screech, one of the Nine, the third Nazgul beside The Witch King and Khamul and Lord of now corrupted Harad he led of the siege of Pelargir and stopped when the corsairs of Umbar have been boarded. When the Witch king died Khamul took his place and Morsir became his right hand."@en . "Arda"@en . "Adunaphel"@en . "Unknown, became a Nazgul SA 2251"@en . . "TA 3019"@en .