"*Minerales\n*Gemas"@es . . . . "Alive"@en . . . "*Ciudades\n*Mares\n*Mesetas"@es . . "Ione ist eine kleine Stadt s\u00FCdlich von Pells Tor im Gro\u00DFen Forst in Cyrodiil. Sie taucht in Kapitel drei des zweiten Teils von The Elder Scrolls: Die H\u00F6llenstadt auf."@de . . . "Found"@en . . "Breed"@en . "Your mother, Arvin's wife"@en . . . "According to Apollodorus Ione was one of the Haliad Nymphs who are the daughters of the children of Nereus."@en . "Ione was a planet in the Ione system of the Outer Rim Territories. During the Galactic Empire's Iron Blockade of the Anoat sector, Imperials seized all crystal shipments landing on Ione, causing an overflow of crystals in Imperial holdings. At the time of the Iron Blockade, many of the planet's inhabitants resented the Empire, but could not fight back as they lacked proper training. This section of the article assumes 100% game completion. Alternate stories are noted in the \"Behind the scenes\" section. Note: The events in this section may or may not have been confirmed as canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity. The Smuggler and their crew prepared the bitter citizens of Ione to rise up when the time was right. Taking advantage of the overflow, the crew of the Smuggler also managed to steal some of the seized crystals from an Imperial depot. Assumption ends here."@en . . . "[Source] Ione \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te du secteur Anoat de la R\u00E9gion du Grand Javin dans les Territoires de la Bordure Ext\u00E9rieure. Sous l'Empire Galactique, tous les transports de cristaux arrivant sur Ione \u00E9taient saisis, provoquant un d\u00E9bordement de cristaux dans les r\u00E9serves Imp\u00E9riales. Durant le Blocus de Fer, la majorit\u00E9 des habitants de Ione n'appr\u00E9ciaient gu\u00E8re l'Empire mais ne le combattait pas, par manque d'entra\u00EEnements et de formations militaires."@fr . . "Moon of Tarn Vedra"@en . "According to Apollodorus Ione was one of the Haliad Nymphs who are the daughters of the children of Nereus."@en . . . . "Ione is the daughter of Ida and Hilarion. Her sorceress caliber talent is to make a lie the truth as long as the liar does not know her talent. Her talent is like her mother's in how it functions. Ione has only appeared in Esrever Doom."@en . . "Whatever your character is"@en . . . . . "Templado"@es . . "Est\u00E1ndar"@es . "Moon Avatar"@en . . . "82800.0"^^ . "Ione is the avatar of one of Tarn-Vedra's moons. On Seefra-2, Ione was a performer who played the part of the Sun God, under ringmaster Geryon. He meets Trance Gemini after one show, both igniting each other's memories. Geryon tried to separate them but they kept meeting in secret. When they kiss, a moon appears in the sky. But Geryon breaks them up \u2014 literally after having Trance hauled away and showing him a ring she stole from Dylan Hunt. When Dylan later arrives to talk, Ione attacks him only to be beaten until Dylan is imprisoned. During the next show, Ione soon realizes he is the moon's Avatar and frees Trance and Dylan. Together, they rescue Beka Valentine and Telemachus Rhade from a Vedran training chamber. However, he and Trance can never be together and so Ione tesseracts to anot"@en . "390"^^ . . "Galactic Gazetteer: Hoth and the Greater Javin"@es . "Ione was a planet in the Ione system of the Outer Rim Territories. During the Galactic Empire's Iron Blockade of the Anoat sector, Imperials seized all crystal shipments landing on Ione, causing an overflow of crystals in Imperial holdings. At the time of the Iron Blockade, many of the planet's inhabitants resented the Empire, but could not fight back as they lacked proper training."@en . . "Ione"@fr . "270"^^ . . "*Humanos\n*Lutrillianos\n*Nothoiins\n*Ugnaughts"@es . "Ione era un pr\u00F3spero planeta espaciopuerto con una poblaci\u00F3n de mil millones localizado a lo largo de la Espina Comercial Corelliana en el Sector Anoat. Era usado por la compa\u00F1\u00EDa minera Excavaciones Figg para operaciones en la Nebulosa Ivax. Era considerado el \u00FAnico enlace entre la Espina y los Mundos Mineros."@es . . . . . . "Ione"@fr . "Ione is the avatar of one of Tarn-Vedra's moons. On Seefra-2, Ione was a performer who played the part of the Sun God, under ringmaster Geryon. He meets Trance Gemini after one show, both igniting each other's memories. Geryon tried to separate them but they kept meeting in secret. When they kiss, a moon appears in the sky. But Geryon breaks them up \u2014 literally after having Trance hauled away and showing him a ring she stole from Dylan Hunt. When Dylan later arrives to talk, Ione attacks him only to be beaten until Dylan is imprisoned. During the next show, Ione soon realizes he is the moon's Avatar and frees Trance and Dylan. Together, they rescue Beka Valentine and Telemachus Rhade from a Vedran training chamber. However, he and Trance can never be together and so Ione tesseracts to another plane."@en . . . . . "Relations"@en . . . "Ione is the daughter of Ida and Hilarion. Her sorceress caliber talent is to make a lie the truth as long as the liar does not know her talent. Her talent is like her mother's in how it functions. Ione has only appeared in Esrever Doom."@en . . . "Ione"@en . . . . . . . . . "Ione is an town in Pend Oreille County, Washington ."@en . . . "Ione"@es . . "Ione"@de . "*Tecnolog\u00EDa\n*Alimentos"@es . . . "Ione is an town in Pend Oreille County, Washington ."@en . . "After Arthur helped everyone with their problems in the Street, she was found near the Jaffa Gate outside Muhammad's former shop, her doves flew on the tent, and herself crying for her mistress would punish her. Arthur helped her by using grain to lure the doves back into their cage. Ione then revealed her identity and sent Arthur to the seeress"@en . "South Pawville, in your house"@en . "Ione ist eine kleine Stadt s\u00FCdlich von Pells Tor im Gro\u00DFen Forst in Cyrodiil. Sie taucht in Kapitel drei des zweiten Teils von The Elder Scrolls: Die H\u00F6llenstadt auf."@de . . "After Arthur helped everyone with their problems in the Street, she was found near the Jaffa Gate outside Muhammad's former shop, her doves flew on the tent, and herself crying for her mistress would punish her. Arthur helped her by using grain to lure the doves back into their cage. Ione then revealed her identity and sent Arthur to the seeress"@en . "Ione"@es . . "Ione invariable Cat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation manquante 1. \n* pr\u00E9nom f\u00E9minin"@fr . "\u0418\u043E\u043D/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@fr . . . . . . "Galactic Gazetteer: Hoth and the Greater Javin"@es . "*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n*Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico"@es . . . "Ione era un pr\u00F3spero planeta espaciopuerto con una poblaci\u00F3n de mil millones localizado a lo largo de la Espina Comercial Corelliana en el Sector Anoat. Era usado por la compa\u00F1\u00EDa minera Excavaciones Figg para operaciones en la Nebulosa Ivax. Era considerado el \u00FAnico enlace entre la Espina y los Mundos Mineros."@es . . "Ione"@en . "Terrestre"@es . "Ione is your mother, Arvin's wife, and resident of Pawville. Near the beginning of the game, you interact with her a bit. She gives you donuts/cookies to give to the rest of the residents of South Pawville, she also helps you make a Cotton Cloth awning for Gertrude's Drug Store."@en . . . . . . "Genderless"@en . . . . "Ione"@en . . . . . . "1"^^ . . "Ione is your mother, Arvin's wife, and resident of Pawville. Near the beginning of the game, you interact with her a bit. She gives you donuts/cookies to give to the rest of the residents of South Pawville, she also helps you make a Cotton Cloth awning for Gertrude's Drug Store."@en . "Catz Ione.JPG"@en . . "Ione invariable Cat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation manquante 1. \n* pr\u00E9nom f\u00E9minin"@fr . . . "*Territoires de la Bordure Ext\u00E9rieure\n**R\u00E9gion du Grand Javin"@fr . . . "[Source] Ione \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te du secteur Anoat de la R\u00E9gion du Grand Javin dans les Territoires de la Bordure Ext\u00E9rieure. Sous l'Empire Galactique, tous les transports de cristaux arrivant sur Ione \u00E9taient saisis, provoquant un d\u00E9bordement de cristaux dans les r\u00E9serves Imp\u00E9riales. Durant le Blocus de Fer, la majorit\u00E9 des habitants de Ione n'appr\u00E9ciaient gu\u00E8re l'Empire mais ne le combattait pas, par manque d'entra\u00EEnements et de formations militaires."@fr . . . . . "default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20040325web"@es . . "Mil millones"@es . .