"Sakura Television, commonly known as Sakura TV by the many people who watch it, is a channel station seemingly devoted to Kira and the various topics about him. Sakura TV is a pivot in the storyline multiple times. It was used by the second Kira to contact the first, then used by the Japanese Task Force to fool the second Kira and finally, it was used by the Task Force to fool the Yotsuba Kira, leading to his downfall."@en . "Hitoshi Demegawa"@en . . "Active"@en . "Sakura Television"@en . "Sakura TV"@en . "Sakura Television, commonly known as Sakura TV by the many people who watch it, is a channel station seemingly devoted to Kira and the various topics about him. Sakura TV is a pivot in the storyline multiple times. It was used by the second Kira to contact the first, then used by the Japanese Task Force to fool the second Kira and finally, it was used by the Task Force to fool the Yotsuba Kira, leading to his downfall."@en . . "Sakura TV"@en . . . . "Saeko Nishiyama"@en . .