"Mobile Suit Gundam Vs. Gundam is an arcade game developed by Capcom and published by Bandai Namco Games, released on March 2008. Unlike the previous games, Gundam Vs Gundam crosses over multiple Gundam series rather than focusing on one source material. It was later followed up with a portable update on the Playstation Portable, which added an extra playable unit: GN-001 Gundam Exia."@en . "Mobile Suit Gundam Vs. Gundam is an arcade game developed by Capcom and published by Bandai Namco Games, released on March 2008. Unlike the previous games, Gundam Vs Gundam crosses over multiple Gundam series rather than focusing on one source material. It was later followed up with a portable update on the Playstation Portable, which added an extra playable unit: GN-001 Gundam Exia."@en . . "Mobile Suit Gundam Vs. Gundam"@en .