. "Utopia Falls is a 2013 dystopian science-fiction action thriller written and directed by John McTiernan, produced by Christopehr Nolan and Charles Roven. It features an ensemble cast starring Ellen Page, Alex Pettyfer as well as Sean Bean, Emilia Clarke, Idris Elba, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ariel Winter, Charles Dance, Aidan Gillen and Lara Pulver. It is set in a dystopian Earth where technology has advanced to an extreme, and the world is essentially ruled by a scientific empire called Utopia Enterprises, and two teenagers are experimented on by Utopia Enterprises - they become world-renowned fugitives due to the curious powers they begin to obtain."@en . "9900.0"^^ . "1.028E12"^^ . . . . "Alex Pettyfer"@en . . . "Lee Smith"@en . . . . . "John McTiernan"@en . . . . "20"^^ . . "Hans Zimmer"@en . . "2013-11-18"^^ . . . "Charles Roven"@en . "Legendary Pictures"@en . . . "English"@en . "Ellen Page"@en . . "Utopia Falls"@en . . . "Lara Pulver"@en . . . "Utopia Falls"@en . . . . . "Christopher Nolan"@en . . . . "Sean Bean"@en . "Benedict Cumberbatch"@en . . "John McTiernan"@en . "Idris Elba"@en . "2.506E8"^^ . . . "Universal Studios"@en . "Emilia Clarke"@en . . . "Ariel Winter"@en . . . "Aidan Gillen"@en . "Utopia Falls is a 2013 dystopian science-fiction action thriller written and directed by John McTiernan, produced by Christopehr Nolan and Charles Roven. It features an ensemble cast starring Ellen Page, Alex Pettyfer as well as Sean Bean, Emilia Clarke, Idris Elba, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ariel Winter, Charles Dance, Aidan Gillen and Lara Pulver. It is set in a dystopian Earth where technology has advanced to an extreme, and the world is essentially ruled by a scientific empire called Utopia Enterprises, and two teenagers are experimented on by Utopia Enterprises - they become world-renowned fugitives due to the curious powers they begin to obtain. Most of the film was shot in Los Angeles and London in order to mirror the appearance of a dystopian future, but several of the scenes that took place at Utopia Enterprises took place inside a studio with artificial set-designs. It was heavily suggested that the younger actors use stunt doubles in the multiple action sequences, but they performed such scenes themselves. When the film was released in November 2013, it was met with widespread acclaim from critics, with praise for its action, score, stunts and the ensemble cast's performances, namely that of Page, Pettyfer, Dance and Bean. it was a box-office success, grossing $1, 000, 835, 68 billion worldwide, and developed a cult following."@en . . "Charles Dance"@en . . "Christopher Nolan"@en . . .