. "The rumpled, eroded, southern edge of the Harondorian upland was marked by this Hue of hills with its red and white bluffs. The Emyn Imladrim (S \"Hills cf Many Gorges\") ran parallel to the northern shore of the Ethir Harnen, continuing east along the course of the Harnen until they merged with the Emyn Gonngaran near Korb Amr\u00FBn and Oud Ilaz. Much of the Emyn Imladrim was little more than the broken rim of the Aegardh plateau. However, there were occasional ridges and hills some two to three thousand feet in height. Millennia of civilized endeavors had left the Emyn Imladrim sprinkled with small villages, terraced melon and vegetable gardens and numerous flint quarries and small tin mines. Many trails and roads led up from the Harnen lowlands to small, sheltered, well-watered valleys hidden among the ravines and cliffs. Three major roads handled the mass of military and caravan traffic between Amon Eithel, the fortress at the midpoint of the Aegardh, and the important cities of the lowlands. From west to east these roads were the Men Harondor, winding across the steppe and down to the sea at Gobel Mirlond; the Hyarmentie, which followed the valleys of the Siril Amon and the Carnen to Tharven and the Rath Amr\u00FBn, which crossed the Eastmarch and climbed down to reach the Harnen at Tiras Amr\u00FBn."@en . . . "The rumpled, eroded, southern edge of the Harondorian upland was marked by this Hue of hills with its red and white bluffs. The Emyn Imladrim (S \"Hills cf Many Gorges\") ran parallel to the northern shore of the Ethir Harnen, continuing east along the course of the Harnen until they merged with the Emyn Gonngaran near Korb Amr\u00FBn and Oud Ilaz. Much of the Emyn Imladrim was little more than the broken rim of the Aegardh plateau. However, there were occasional ridges and hills some two to three thousand feet in height. Millennia of civilized endeavors had left the Emyn Imladrim sprinkled with small villages, terraced melon and vegetable gardens and numerous flint quarries and small tin mines. Many trails and roads led up from the Harnen lowlands to small, sheltered, well-watered valleys hidden"@en . . "Emyn Imladrim"@en .