. "The Hanolin asteroid belt was an asteroid belt. In 2368, a Ferengi cargo ship crashed here with the wreckage spread over one hundred square kilometers. Among the wreckage found were metal fragments of Vulcan origin in crates labeled \"medical supplies.\" It was later determined that the fragments were the remnants of a navigational deflector, which were being transported as contraband. (TNG: \"Unification I\" )"@en . . . . "The Hanolin asteroid belt was a field of asteroids located in neutral space near both the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire. In 2368, a Ferengi cargo ship had crashed in the belt and wreckage from the ship had spread over a 1,000 kilometer radius. Among the wreckage was a number of metal fragments of Vulcan origin, which were in crates marked up as \"medical supplies\". It was later determined that the fragments were from the navigational deflector of a Vulcan Merchant-class transport, the T'Pau. (TNG episode & novelization: Unification) In 2377, Captains David Gold and Montgomery Scott used the Hanolin asteroid belt as a location to lure Rod Portlyn, and to seize the weapon he had used to remove the USS da Vinci from normal space. (CoE eBook: The Art of the Comeback)"@en . . . "Hanolin asteroid belt"@en . . "The Hanolin asteroid belt was an asteroid belt. In 2368, a Ferengi cargo ship crashed here with the wreckage spread over one hundred square kilometers. Among the wreckage found were metal fragments of Vulcan origin in crates labeled \"medical supplies.\" It was later determined that the fragments were the remnants of a navigational deflector, which were being transported as contraband. (TNG: \"Unification I\" )"@en . . "The Hanolin asteroid belt was a field of asteroids located in neutral space near both the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire. In 2368, a Ferengi cargo ship had crashed in the belt and wreckage from the ship had spread over a 1,000 kilometer radius. Among the wreckage was a number of metal fragments of Vulcan origin, which were in crates marked up as \"medical supplies\". It was later determined that the fragments were from the navigational deflector of a Vulcan Merchant-class transport, the T'Pau. (TNG episode & novelization: Unification)"@en . . .