"Runners High"@en . . "Aishen should have liked Northrend. While the land had been tainted by the Scourge, much of it was still a vast wilderness that had remained unaffected not only by the hands of the Undead legions, but by civilization as a whole. Its vast open spaces, its dense forests, its hills and valleys all spoke of an untamed wilderness the sort of place that she had strove so hard to protect. Furthermore, it should have spoke to her of her love of exploration and discovery, of the uncharted possibilities that lay ahead. Yet, at the same time, it was more familiar then the alien landscapes of Oultand, instead being grounded in a certain reality that she could appreciate. Instead, she had largely ignored all around her, not bothering to explore the continent or see the wonders that it had held. She had been instead driven by her mission, the one thing that had bought her here. She had travelled north in response to the Scourge\u2019s attacks on Azeroth, joining so many of her fellows in a crusade to destroy the undead legions for all time so they would never rise again. That was her goal; that was her reason for being there. She had forsaken all else in her determination to eliminate the threat that the Scourge had presented. Since she had arrived here, she had done nothing but fight, engaging in an almost mechanical process of travelling across the continent and combating the forces of the Scourge and whatever other forces may stand in opposition. She claimed that she was doing it because of the threat that they represented. That was partially true. Instead, the real reason was simple: she was angry. She had seen a fleeting moment of happiness and had it snatched away from her and, as a result, she was feeling bitter and vengeful. It was this quest for vengeance that had bought her back to Wintergarde keep, one of the Alliance\u2019s main strongholds on the continent. Once besieged by forces from Naxxramas, the undead assault on the keep had been broken by the Alliance\u2019s forces, with Aishen amongst them. However, while their leaders had been defeated and the citadel itself assaulted, there were still remnant forces that posed a threat. She\u2019d come here to see if there was anything that she could do to clear them off and relive the pressure on the Alliance\u2019s forces. Her logic was simple; when Wintergarde was safe, the Alliance could finally move their forces from there to Icecrown and towards the Lich King himself. And when he fell, the Scourge\u2019s threat would be over; finished. And then she could go home. \u201CNo offence lass.\u201D The Dwarven officer by the keep began, looking up at her. \u201CBut I\u2019m not sure if there\u2019s much that one more body can do out there.\u201D She glanced back at the carrion fields below, then turned to the Dwarf. \u201CSurely there must be something.\u201D She stated, angrily. \u201CYour forces are still facing the Scourge\u201D \u201CAye that.\u201D He replied. \u201CStill\u2026\u201D He walked into one of the towers at the base of the walls, Aishen following him. \u201CTell you what, you look like something of a tracker\u201D \u201CThat I am.\u201D She replied, still a hint of anger in her voice. \u201CGood. Then there\u2019s something ye can do for us, lass.\u201D \u201CI\u2019m listening.\u201D \u201CBaron Morte\u201D the Dwarf stated, a hint of contempt in his name. \u201COne of the commanders of the Scourge forces that besieged us, and a foul one at that. He was responsible for cutting down far too many good men, and then enslaving them to the Scourge. Its one thing to see your people die, lass, but to see that happen to them\u2026\u201D He shook his head as he trailed off. \u201CBut he survived the battle, correct?\u201D \u201CAye.\u201D The Dwarf all but spat. He retreated from the fields when we started cleaning them up. He hasn\u2019t run off to join the other Scourge, however. He was last seen headin\u2019 east, possibly to Zul\u2019drak to join them there.\u201D \u201CSo you want me to track him down and bring him to justice.\u201D \u201CAye lass.\u201D The dwarf grimly stated. \u201CBring us his Sigil, so we know the deed is done.\u201D \u201CVery well.\u201D Aishen nodded. While a single opponent may seem insignificant, she had seen first-hand the power of a Death Knight. This one foe could not be allowed to escape. \u201CIf there is nothing else, then I shall begin my hunt.\u201D \u201CNo, that\u2019s all.\u201D He saluted her. \u201CTake care, lass.\u201D She returned his salute with one of her own. \u201CI shall. He will not escape me.\u201D From what she\u2019d gathered, Morte had left the battlefield several hours before she had arrived in Wintergarde. There were reports that he had been wounded, but Aishen knew that such matters were relatively minor to a Death Knight; what would be fatal to a normal man was far less so to them. Regardless, she had a trail, albeit a weak one. Even then, it was enough for her to follow and track her prey. As she had headed northeast from Wintergarde, following his trail, the weather had worsened. While Dragonblight was always cold, it now was a blizzard of white as snow blew all around her. However, despite this, the Death Knight\u2019s trail remained clear in the snow. Even as it darkened, Aishen pressed on \u2013 the night was no enemy to her, but rather an ally. She had spent her early life living in the perpetual twilight of Ashenvale, lurking in the shadows of the great trees\u2026 Aishen shook herself out of her reminiscing, focusing on the target at hand. She had a job to do, and intended to make sure that it was done properly, regardless of what it took. She stopped her sabre, climbing off its back and landing in a crouch. Kneeling down, she examined the tracks in the ground, looking over them. These ones were deeper and better defined, looking to be relatively fresh. The older ones were already somewhat blown away or filled in by the blowing snow, but the crisp outlines of these told her that her prey was nearby. Closer examination told her even more; the distance between the hoof prints told her that the horse was likely little more then trotting; furthermore, one of them appeared to be off-skew, as if the hose had been damaged (she refused to think of a Skeletal mount as having been injured) and had to slow down. Possibly, galloping away from Wintergarde had only served to further aggravate the damage causing its rider to slow down \u2013 which meant that he was likely nearby. \u201CStay\u201D she stated to her Stormsaber, confident that the beast could look after itself. Rifle in hand, she set out across the snow, Zaber padding along close behind her. Despite his incongruous brown and grey colouration, he seemed to blend into his surroundings, managing to remain surprisingly elusive for a large cat. Heading further east, she continued to follow the trail for several more minutes before stopping. There was running water nearby, suggesting that she was nearing the edges of the Dragonblight region. She cautiously clambered up a rock, looking around. Through the snow below her, she could see a shape; an armoured figure, mounted on the back of a horde, slowly trudging ahead of her. It\u2019s him she thought to herself. She\u2019d reached her prey, no doubt about it. Moving as slowly and silently as possible, she cautiously closed the distance on the armoured figure. Making a silent signal to Zaber, she watched as the Nightsabre peeled away from her, vanishing into the snow. As she got closer, more features become apparent serving to confirm her suspicions. His armour was dark in colour, similar in design to that used by other Death Knights. Even more telling was his steed; a skeleton, it bore the insignia of the Scourge on its purple barding. Confident that she had gone undetected, she paused, then raised her rifle. Peering down the scope, she centered him in his sights, then pulled the trigger. The silence of the wilderness was shattered by the sudden thundering retort of the rifle as it fired; moments later, the Death Knight was slammed forward in his saddle, struck in the back by her shot. It hadn\u2019t felled him; she didn\u2019t expect it to. Experience had shown that the Scourge \u2013 and Death Knights in particular \u2013 took a lot of killing. He wheeled around, drawing his Runeblade as he did \u2013 only to have the snow next to him erupt into a cloud of white as Zaber leaped from his cover, snarling as he pounced on his prey. There was a crash as the Nightsaber slammed into the Death Knight, grabbing hold with its claws and fangs. Using his mass and speed, Zaber pulled the knight from the saddle before bearing him to the ground. However, he recovered fast, throwing his attacker off and rolling to his feet ion spite of his injuries. \u201CFilthy beast!\u201D The Death Knight called out, the hollow echo in his voice only adding to his anger. \u201CYou will-\u201C He was cut off by a loud crack, followed by another shot slamming into him, sending him reeling. Then, as soon as a fresh round had cycled into the chamber, Aishen fired again, the third shot striking home, blasting apart the armour over his shoulder. At the same time, Zaber again struck at him, his claws raking across the Death Knights\u2019 midsection and opening him up. With almost supernatural precision, Aishen took aim again, managing to put her sights on the Death Knight while avoiding the ferocious tiger he was facing. The shot rang out, slamming straight into the Death Knight\u2019s exposed neck. He spun, a spray of blood gushing from him as he wheeled around, then collapsed to the ground. She stood, cautiously walking towards the fallen Knight\u2019s body, her rifle still at the ready while Zaber watched over them. He seemed to be still, but she wasn\u2019t about to take any precautions. After all, her target was a master of fel necromantic powers; it seemed very unlikely that a simple bullet would be enough to stop him. Aishen stood over him, rifle pointed down at his body. The Death Knight certainly seemed to be dead; however, her own experiences told her never to take a risk. \u201CWatch him.\u201D She commanded to Zaber, the Nightsaber replying with a low growl. Slinging her rifle over her shoulder, she knelt down next to the Death Knight\u2019s body. Up close, she could see that he was indeed the one that they had mentioned; a human man, his once handsome features had become sunken and hollow. His skin was an alabaster white, with his hair a lifeless grey. Both stood in stark contrast to the dark armour that he wore. Leaning closer, she looked over him; he certainly didn\u2019t seem to be moving at all; no signs of breathing or a pulse. Of course, with opponents that were between the living and the dead, it was very hard to tell how much of that was because she had slain him, and how much was simply from being a Death Knight. \u201CLooks dead\u201D She began, glancing over him. There was a pool of blood by his side, but that was it. \u201CBut, just to make sure\u2026\u201D Aishen didn\u2019t usually see herself as the merciless type, and certainly not the type to slay a fallen foe. However, in this case, she wanted to be as certain as possible. Practical experience told her never to assume that one of the Scourge were truly fallen until their body had been destroyed. Besides, she knew the Scourge. They were ruthless and merciless, opponents that gave no quarter and expected none in return. The best one could hope for was to fall to the Scourge in such a way that their body and soul were put beyond reach. Otherwise, their victims were doomed to become their unwilling slaves, bound to undeath. The Scourge would have no hesitation about raising someone as an undead minion, friend or foe. They didn\u2019t deserve any mercy. She took the sigil from around his throat, pocketing it in her pack. Reaching into her belt, she took out her skinning knife, pressing it against the Death Knight\u2019s throat, carefully watching for a reaction. There was none; either he truly was dead or he simply didn\u2019t care about what she was about to do. She quickly slit his throat, the action electing no response form the fallen knight. \u201CThat\u2019s that.\u201D She commented as she wiped the knife on his cape before stowing it. \u201CAnother damned Scourge defeated.\u201D \u201CWell good for you.\u201D A voice came from nearby; female and, to her surprise, speaking Darnassian. However, the voice had a hollow, unearthly echo to it \u2013 the tone she had come to expect from a Death Knight. \u201CWho goes there?\u201D She called out, raising her rifle. All around her the blizzard continued to blow, creating a wall of white that seemed to blot out the rest of the world. By her side, Zaber growled loudly, looking around for unseen targets. \u201CIdentify yourself!\u201D A figure stepped out of the snow; the same size as Aishen, they were also a female Kal\u2019dorei. However, that was where the similarities ended. This woman had long hair that was bleached a stark white and hung around her head in a ragged, straw-like mess, while her skin was a dried leathery colour, one that was not natural to her race. Her eyes, however, were the most telling; they glowed with an unearthly blue light. It was clear that she was a Death Knight; the heavy, blood-red armour that she wore and the ornate runed blade she carried only underscored the point. What was odd, however, was that her blade was currently carried over her back, rather then at the ready. \u201CI\u2019m just some Death Knight, that\u2019s all.\u201D She stated, her voice little more then a low hiss. \u201COne who was pursuing the same target as you were.\u201D She glanced down at the corpse. \u201CYou wouldn\u2019t be a sport and give me the sigil so I can say that I got him instead?\u201D If it was a joke, Aishen didn\u2019t find it funny. \u201CWhy should I, Death Knight? Why should I trust you?\u201D She kept her rifle levelled at the woman, her eyes focused on them and her finger on the trigger. The Death Knight sighed. \u201CGood point. From where you are, I suppose I look like another Death Knight. And I\u2019m guessing you don\u2019t like the Scourge either.\u201D \u201CNot at all.\u201D She stated. \u201CGood. That\u2019s both of us.\u201D The Death Knight continued. \u201CI\u2019m not one of them. I\u2019m one of those from Archerus, who left the Scourge and pledged themselves to the Alliance. Believe it or not, we\u2019re on the same side.\u201D \u201CI still find it hard to trust you.\u201D Aishen angrily continued. \u201CThe Scourge- \u201C \u201C-Save it\u201D the other Elf finished. \u201CWhatever your reason for disliking the Scourge is, mine\u2019s better.\u201D She gave a dry laugh, then grinned at Aishen, showing a lot of teeth. \u201CReally, try me.\u201D \u201C-they-\u201C \u201CKilled you?\u201D She cut her off again. \u201CAnd then took your body, defiling your corpse and enslaving your soul, transforming you into an abomination to nature and an offence to all you once believed in? Is that it?\u201D \u201CI-\u201C She began, and stopped as she considered the other Night Elf\u2019s words. All of a sudden, the idea that the fighting the Scourge was keeping her from spending time with her lover seemed rather insignificant by comparison \u2013 and getting angry over it seemed petty. \u201CTell you what.\u201D The Death Knight continued, slowly reaching down to her belt. Taking a scrap of red material from it, she slowly reached up to her face, keeping her hands visible. \u201CIf you don\u2019t trust me, that\u2019s understandable. I\u2019ll trust you instead.\u201D She slowly wrapped the cloth around her face, covering her eyes before tying it in place. \u201CI don\u2019t blame you for not trusting me.\u201D The Death Knight finished, dropping her hands back to her sides. \u201CI know I wouldn\u2019t. But I will trust you, because I know you\u2019re not me.\u201D She paused. \u201CSo I\u2019m trusting you not to shoot me, even though I\u2019m blindfolded and can\u2019t defend myself and I know you hate the Scourge.\u201D There was a tense silence, Aishen\u2019s rifle still pointed at the head of the Death Knight. \u201CWhy would you do that?\u201D She finally asked, speaking up. \u201CBecause I can\u2019t think of any way to prove it otherwise.\u201D She finished. \u201CAnd besides, as much as I hate the Scourge, I\u2019m not that fond of what they turned me into. So if you had pulled the trigger, it would have been no big loss anyway.\u201D Aishen nodded, lowering her rifle. \u201CAll right, you have convinced me.\u201D The Death Knight raised one side of her blindfold. \u201CWell, that was a surprise. Wasn\u2019t sure that would work.\u201D She shrugged. \u201CWhat do you want?\u201D Aishen continued. \u201CI\u2019d like the sigil, but I can understand why you wouldn\u2019t want to give it up.\u201D She removed her blindfold. \u201CBut mainly, I\u2019ve gotten what I wanted, which was to get away without being shot.\u201D \u201CYou could have simply remained hidden without revealing yourself in the first place.\u201D Aishen offered. \u201CWouldn\u2019t have gotten me the sigil.\u201D She replied casually. \u201CAnd I\u2019m not the type to take it from you by force. Believe it or not, just because I\u2019m a Death Knight doesn\u2019t mean I\u2019m a mass-murdering serial puppy kicker.\u201D There was a pause. \u201CWell, not any more.\u201D \u201CRight.\u201D Aishen finished. \u201CYou will understand if I do not give it to you.\u201D \u201CProbably. I can pass it off, say someone got to him first.\u201D Aishen looked back at her. \u201CYou\u2019re not going back to Wintergardeguard keep?\u201D The death knight paused, as if momentarily at a loss for words. \u201CUh, no. The person who sent me out here is with\u2026 a different group.\u201D She paused. \u201CEbon Blade.\u201D \u201CI see.\u201D That was all Aishen needed to know. She\u2019d had dealings with Darion Mograine\u2019s freed Death knights in past; that did not mean that she had to like them. Form what she\u2019d seen, they were just as ruthless and bloodthirsty as the Scourge; that they directed their energies at their one-time allies was little comfort. \u201CThen I will head back to Wintergarde with this.\u201D \u201CSure.\u201D The Death Knight nodded. \u201CTravel well, then.\u201D Aishen paused, looking back at her. \u201CExcuse me?\u201D \u201CJust something I got from someone I knew a while back.\u201D She shrugged. \u201CIt was another life, one I can\u2019t go back to. I was a different person back then.\u201D \u201CI see.\u201D She nodded. Leaving the Death Knight behind, she and Zaber began the trek back to Wintergarde. Somewhat off-balance by the Death Knight\u2019s farewell \u2013 one she herself often used \u2013 she had a lot to think about. She had dedicated herself to destroying the Scourge, claiming that she was doing it out of a need to protect the world, the mission she had driven herself on for the last five years. But the more she looked at it, the more she could see that a large part of her motivation was selfish. She was driven by anger more then anything else, and had been letting that cloud her judgement. The Death Knight she had just encountered underscored that point; someone who\u2019s motivation was revenge and hatred and had very little else to live for. That, Aishen realised, was the last thing she wanted to be. She blinked, looking around at the vast expanses of the Dragonblight; the open snowy plains and the suggestion of the towering peaks in the distance. For the first time, however, she saw the natural beauty of the place; a harsh, untamed wilderness that spoke of the power and grace of the elements that had shaped it; one where civilization had made its mark, but still seemed inconsequential against the greater whole. The Night Elf quietly smiled to herself. There was a whole new world out there, one that she had seen, but, until now, never experienced. She had her duty, yes, but now she could look on it with new eyes, a new way of seeing it; one where there was hope, not just the demands of constant battle."@en . . . "Aishen should have liked Northrend. While the land had been tainted by the Scourge, much of it was still a vast wilderness that had remained unaffected not only by the hands of the Undead legions, but by civilization as a whole. Its vast open spaces, its dense forests, its hills and valleys all spoke of an untamed wilderness the sort of place that she had strove so hard to protect. Her logic was simple; when Wintergarde was safe, the Alliance could finally move their forces from there to Icecrown and towards the Lich King himself. And when he fell, the Scourge\u2019s threat would be over; finished."@en . .