"thumb|Die Enterprise verl\u00E4sst Regula. Regula ist nach der Planetenklassifizierung der F\u00F6deration ein Planetoid der Klasse D im Mutara-Sektor. Er wird von der Raumstation Regula 1 umkreist. Im Jahr 2285 wird auf dem Planeten das Genesis-Projekt erfolgreich getestet. Ausgew\u00E4hlt wird der Planetoid, da er ganz sicher kein Leben enth\u00E4lt und auch kaum Bodensch\u00E4tze aufweist. Ingenieure der Sternenflotte legen 10 Monate lang Tunnel und H\u00F6hlen im Innern des Planetoiden an. Der Genesis-Prozessor ben\u00F6tigt dann nur noch einen Tag, um eine lebendige gr\u00FCne Welt zu erschaffen. (Star Trek II: Der Zorn des Khan)"@de . . "regula.jpg"@it . . . "Regula"@it . "2285"^^ . "Regula"@en . "regula.jpg"@nl . . "Volgens kapitein Spock van de Enterprise is Regula \"een grote steen in de ruimte\". Later werd bekend dat het onderzoeksteam verantwoordelijk voor het Genesis apparaat, aangevoerd door dokter Carol Marcus en dokter David Marcus, een gigantische grot in de planeto\u00EFde hadden laten maken. De grot was vol komen te staan met verschillende plantensoorten en waterlichamen. Volgens Carol Marcus kostte het Starfleet ingenieurskorps 10 maanden om de ondergrondse grot uit te graven. De matrix die voor het plantenleven moest zorgen had slechts \u00E9\u00E9n dag nodig om alles te laten groeien. (\"Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan\")"@nl . . . "Regula met de USS Enterprise"@nl . . "Intact"@en . . . . "Regula was an uninhabited D-class planetoid in the Mutara sector. It consisted of various unremarkable ores. According to Captain Spock of the USS Enterprise, Regula was \"essentially a great rock in space\". Regula was orbited by the Federation scientific research laboratory Regula I. The Mutara Nebula was located nearby and the Ceti Alpha system was three days away at warp speed. It is unknown if this planetoid orbited a star, or if it survived the Genesis Device's detonation."@en . "thumb|Die Enterprise verl\u00E4sst Regula. Regula ist nach der Planetenklassifizierung der F\u00F6deration ein Planetoid der Klasse D im Mutara-Sektor. Er wird von der Raumstation Regula 1 umkreist. Im Jahr 2285 wird auf dem Planeten das Genesis-Projekt erfolgreich getestet. Ausgew\u00E4hlt wird der Planetoid, da er ganz sicher kein Leben enth\u00E4lt und auch kaum Bodensch\u00E4tze aufweist. Ingenieure der Sternenflotte legen 10 Monate lang Tunnel und H\u00F6hlen im Innern des Planetoiden an. Der Genesis-Prozessor ben\u00F6tigt dann nur noch einen Tag, um eine lebendige gr\u00FCne Welt zu erschaffen. (Star Trek II: Der Zorn des Khan)"@de . . . "Regula"@es . . . . "regula.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Regula"@nl . "Regula \u00E8 un remoto planetoide ubicato nel settore Mutara all'interno dello spazio della Federazione, un corpo celeste di Classe D, secondo la classificazione planetaria ed \u00E8 costituito da minerali di scarso valore. Regula aveva in orbita l'avamposto di ricerca Regula I. Secondo il capitano Spock della USS Enterprise, Regula \u00E8 \"essenzialmente una grossa pietra nello spazio\". In seguito, venne rivelato che la squadra di ricerca che aveva sviluppato il dispositivo Genesis, guidata dai dottori Carol e David Marcus, aveva costruito una grotta gigante all'interno del planetoide, ricca di vegetazione ed acqua. Secondo Carol Marcus, al Corpo degli Ingegneri della Flotta Stellare c'eran voluti dieci mesi per scavare la struttura sotterranea, mentre la matrice usata per terraformare la grotta aveva impiegato solo un giorno. (Star Trek II: L'ira di Khan)"@it . "The USS Enterprise departs Regula"@en . . "Regula was a remote planetoid in the Mutara sector within Federation space, a Class D body according to the planetary classification. Regula was orbited by the research outpost, Regula I. According to Captain Spock of the USS Enterprise, Regula was \"essentially a great rock in space.\" It was later revealed that the research team developing the Genesis Device, led by Doctors Carol Marcus and David Marcus, had constructed a giant cave inside the planetoid, filled with various plantlife and water. According to Carol Marcus, it had taken the Starfleet Corps of Engineers ten months to dig out the underground structure, while the matrix used to terraform the cave only needed a day to take shape. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)"@en . . . "Regula \u00E8 un remoto planetoide ubicato nel settore Mutara all'interno dello spazio della Federazione, un corpo celeste di Classe D, secondo la classificazione planetaria ed \u00E8 costituito da minerali di scarso valore. Regula aveva in orbita l'avamposto di ricerca Regula I. Secondo il capitano Spock della USS Enterprise, Regula \u00E8 \"essenzialmente una grossa pietra nello spazio\"."@it . . . . "Regula"@it . "Volgens kapitein Spock van de Enterprise is Regula \"een grote steen in de ruimte\". Later werd bekend dat het onderzoeksteam verantwoordelijk voor het Genesis apparaat, aangevoerd door dokter Carol Marcus en dokter David Marcus, een gigantische grot in de planeto\u00EFde hadden laten maken. De grot was vol komen te staan met verschillende plantensoorten en waterlichamen. Volgens Carol Marcus kostte het Starfleet ingenieurskorps 10 maanden om de ondergrondse grot uit te graven. De matrix die voor het plantenleven moest zorgen had slechts \u00E9\u00E9n dag nodig om alles te laten groeien. (\"Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan\")"@nl . . "Regula"@nl . "Regula"@en . "Regula"@de . "The USS Enterprise departs Regula"@it . . "Regula was an uninhabited D-class planetoid in the Mutara sector. It consisted of various unremarkable ores. According to Captain Spock of the USS Enterprise, Regula was \"essentially a great rock in space\". Regula was orbited by the Federation scientific research laboratory Regula I. The Mutara Nebula was located nearby and the Ceti Alpha system was three days away at warp speed. The Project Genesis team chose this planetoid for their experiments in 2284. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers spent ten months to dig out what would become the Genesis cave. Then, the project initiated the experiment, turning the lifelessness of the planetoid into a new environment, filled with various plant life and water. Later the next year, when the project team thought that Starfleet was commandeering the project materials, Doctors Carol and David Marcus fled to the planetoid to hide along with the Genesis Device. Admiral James T. Kirk and crew arrived to investigate, and found out that Khan Noonien Singh had tricked them and stole the Device. He tried to maroon them on the planetoid; however, they were rescued by the USS Enterprise which had hid on the other side of Regula. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) It is unknown if this planetoid orbited a star, or if it survived the Genesis Device's detonation."@en . . "Planetoide usado para las pruebas del Proyecto G\u00E9nesis. En su \u00F3rbita gira la estaci\u00F3n espacial Regula I."@es . "Planetoide usado para las pruebas del Proyecto G\u00E9nesis. En su \u00F3rbita gira la estaci\u00F3n espacial Regula I."@es . . . "Regula was a remote planetoid in the Mutara sector within Federation space, a Class D body according to the planetary classification. Regula was orbited by the research outpost, Regula I. According to Captain Spock of the USS Enterprise, Regula was \"essentially a great rock in space.\""@en . "Near the Mutara Nebula"@en .