"Gandrayda is a bounty hunter employed by the Galactic Federation during the events of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. She, along with the three hunters in their spirits later reappeared to Samus in the present time, who currently is assembling all the Kamen Riders. Go Shijima is Gandrayda's Kamen Rider counterpart of the present time. Both Go and Gandrayda have very flighty personalities, and at the same time give Samus the nickname \"Sammy\"; Gandrayda is known for her cunning and sadomasochistic tendencies, while Go in the other hand is a hyperactive individual who has a flair of breaking the fourth wall, which is a running gag in the crossover proper."@en . "Gandrayda (Metroid: Kamen Rider Generations)"@en . . "Gandrayda is a bounty hunter employed by the Galactic Federation during the events of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. She, along with the three hunters in their spirits later reappeared to Samus in the present time, who currently is assembling all the Kamen Riders."@en . . . .