"Chima"@en . . . "Chima is the main setting of the Legends of Chima theme. Its landscape is primarily covered in forests, Jungle, mountains and swamps, and is inhabited by twelve species of anthropomorphic animals: Lions, Eagles, Gorillas, Crocodiles, Wolves, Bears, Rhinos, Ravens, Skunks, Foxes, Beavers, and Peacocks. A key feature of Chima is its floating mountain, Mount Cavora, which produces CHI, a mystical and powerful element."@en . "250"^^ . . . . "Chima ist ein Land, in welchem diverse Tierst\u00E4mme leben. Durch das Chi k\u00F6nnen sie reden, sprechen und verhalten sich sehr menschlich."@de . . . "Chima (t\u222Bi:ma, eigentlich Chimaobinna Enyiakanwanne Onyele; * 10. November 1972 in Nigeria) ist ein Frankfurter Rapper und Souls\u00E4nger, der seit 2005 bei 3p unter Vertrag ist. Er ist au\u00DFerdem als Mitglied der Brothers Keepers bekannt."@de . . . "Anthropomorphic Lions, Bears, Gorillas, Wolves, Eagles, Ravens, Crocodiles, Rhinos, Peacocks, Pigeons, Scorpions, Spiders, Bats, Saber-Tooth Tigers, Vultures, Mammoths, Phoenixes, Foxes, Skunks, Ice Bears, Beavers, Leopards, and Tigers"@en . "150"^^ . "1500102"^^ . . "Chima ist einer der letzten \u00DCberlebenden der Chimeron und begleitet seine K\u00F6nigin Delta an Bord eines Schiffes der Bannermen, die die gesamte Spezies der Chimeron ausl\u00F6schen wollen. An Bord hat sich jedoch Gavrok versteckt, der Chima niederschie\u00DFt. Dieser kann mit letzter Kraft seine Waffe bet\u00E4tigen, so dass Gavrok aus dem Schiff st\u00FCrzt und Delta den Planeten Chumeria verlassen kann. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Au\u00DFerirdische Kategorie:Tot"@de . . . "260"^^ . . . "Chima is the main setting of the Legends of Chima theme. Its landscape is primarily covered in forests, Jungle, mountains and swamps, and is inhabited by twelve species of anthropomorphic animals: Lions, Eagles, Gorillas, Crocodiles, Wolves, Bears, Rhinos, Ravens, Skunks, Foxes, Beavers, and Peacocks. A key feature of Chima is its floating mountain, Mount Cavora, which produces CHI, a mystical and powerful element."@en . . . . "After Delta and he captured a Bannerman craft, Chima was mortally wounded by Gavrok. He shot Gavrok knocking him from the craft. Chima told Delta to take a Chimeron egg with her, then died. (TV: Delta and the Bannermen)"@en . "Chima is a world unlike any seen before, and is the main setting of the Legends of Chima sets and TV Series. It is full of exotic wildlife and untamed beauty and nature. These civilizations developed new ways to discover. The world is balanced by the energy source known as Chi. The world was kept peaceful for a thousand years, but a Crocodile Tribe prince named Cragger offset the balance and turned Chima into the ultimate war zone. Now, the eight Animal Tribes inhabiting the land are fighting for who deserves to control the Chi in Chima. The landscape of Chima is mainly covered in forests, jungles, and swamps."@en . "Chima"@de . "Chimeron"@en . . "Chima (t\u222Bi:ma, eigentlich Chimaobinna Enyiakanwanne Onyele; * 10. November 1972 in Nigeria) ist ein Frankfurter Rapper und Souls\u00E4nger, der seit 2005 bei 3p unter Vertrag ist. Er ist au\u00DFerdem als Mitglied der Brothers Keepers bekannt."@de . . "Chima is a world unlike any seen before, and is the main setting of the Legends of Chima sets and TV Series. It is full of exotic wildlife and untamed beauty and nature. These civilizations developed new ways to discover. The world is balanced by the energy source known as Chi. The world was kept peaceful for a thousand years, but a Crocodile Tribe prince named Cragger offset the balance and turned Chima into the ultimate war zone. Now, the eight Animal Tribes inhabiting the land are fighting for who deserves to control the Chi in Chima. The landscape of Chima is mainly covered in forests, jungles, and swamps. The kingdom of Chima is ruled by the Lion Tribe, and they work from the Lion Chi Temple, the source of Chi in the land, in which the waterfall from Mount Cavora flows into. There, the Chi collects into the Sacred Pool, where blue glowing Chi orbs are made. The just and fair king of the Lion Tribe is Lagravis, making him the overall ruler of Chima. Overtime, Chima is far inland. There are no coasts can be found. Just lakes and rivers."@en . . . . . . . . . "Chima"@de . . "nigerianischer Rapper und Souls\u00E4nger"@de . . . . "N/A"@en . . . . "Chima"@en . . "Onyele, Chimaobinna Enyiakanwanne"@de . "Once a pristine, natural paradise, CHIMA has become a battle ground for eight animal tribes. Best friends are now enemies. The animals fight for control of a natural resource called CHI, a powerful element that is both a source of life and potential destruction. Only a few brave heroes in CHIMA understand the true nature of CHI, and the possible downfall of CHIMA that will result from its misuse. Their stories, and the stories of those who seek to destroy them, are known as... THE LEGENDS OF CHIMA. For a thousand years, animal tribes have ruled the land of CHIMA. Lions, crocodiles, eagles, wolves, gorillas, ravens, rhinos and bears lived in peace. They played and worked together, cooperated and prospered - until the outbreak of the CHIMA conflicts."@en . "tot"@de . . . . . . "Chima ist ein Land, in welchem diverse Tierst\u00E4mme leben. Durch das Chi k\u00F6nnen sie reden, sprechen und verhalten sich sehr menschlich."@de . . "Once a pristine, natural paradise, CHIMA has become a battle ground for eight animal tribes. Best friends are now enemies. The animals fight for control of a natural resource called CHI, a powerful element that is both a source of life and potential destruction. Only a few brave heroes in CHIMA understand the true nature of CHI, and the possible downfall of CHIMA that will result from its misuse. Their stories, and the stories of those who seek to destroy them, are known as... THE LEGENDS OF CHIMA. For a thousand years, animal tribes have ruled the land of CHIMA. Lions, crocodiles, eagles, wolves, gorillas, ravens, rhinos and bears lived in peace. They played and worked together, cooperated and prospered - until the outbreak of the CHIMA conflicts. As the first species to drink from the Ancient Pool of CHI, the Lions had become its sworn protector. No one had ever challenged the Lions' custodianship of the Pool because the Lions had always been reliable and fair with the CHI. Animals throughout the land relied on the magical CHI orbs to energize their vehicles, gear, and themselves. The orbs were a power source that the Lions had always shared equally with everyone. Eventually, some of the animals got greedy. A young, rogue Crocodile prince named Cragger demanded that his tribe should receive a greater share of the powerful CHI orbs. But the Lions insisted, as they had for a thousand years, that giving too much CHI to any one tribe would upset the natural balance of CHIMA. The Lions only wanted to be fair, and to protect all of CHIMA. But the Crocodiles didn\u2019t see it this way. A series of minor skirmishes over the Crocodiles\u2019 share of the CHI led to bigger battles. When the Crocodile Prince Cragger accused the Lions of getting rid of his parents and he became Crocodile King, full-scale conflict broke out between the Crocodiles and the Lions. As conflict spreads, the fate of CHIMA hangs in the balance\u2026"@en . "Tim Scott"@en . "After Delta and he captured a Bannerman craft, Chima was mortally wounded by Gavrok. He shot Gavrok knocking him from the craft. Chima told Delta to take a Chimeron egg with her, then died. (TV: Delta and the Bannermen)"@en . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "World/Realm"@en . . . . . "Delta and the Bannermen"@en . "Delta and the Bannermen"@de . . "1972-11-10"^^ . "Chima Onyele"@de . "Parallel to Ninjago"@en . . . . "Chima ist einer der letzten \u00DCberlebenden der Chimeron und begleitet seine K\u00F6nigin Delta an Bord eines Schiffes der Bannermen, die die gesamte Spezies der Chimeron ausl\u00F6schen wollen. An Bord hat sich jedoch Gavrok versteckt, der Chima niederschie\u00DFt. Dieser kann mit letzter Kraft seine Waffe bet\u00E4tigen, so dass Gavrok aus dem Schiff st\u00FCrzt und Delta den Planeten Chumeria verlassen kann. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Au\u00DFerirdische Kategorie:Tot"@de . . . .