. . "Stra\u017C Stormpike'a (znana r\u00F3nie\u017C jako Ekspedycja Stormpike'a) to frakcja Przymierza walcz\u0105ca na polu bitewnym Dolina Alterac. Jest to ekspedycja krasnolud\u00F3w z klanu Stormpike, zamieszkuj\u0105cego doliny Alterac. Stormpike'owie poszukuj\u0105 relikt\u00F3w ze swej przesz\u0142o\u015Bci i eksploatuj\u0105 surowce w Dolinie Alterac i prowadz\u0105 otwart\u0105 wojn\u0119 z orkami z klanu Lodowego Wilka, kt\u00F3rzy zamieszkuj\u0105 po\u0142udniow\u0105 cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 doliny. Kr\u00F3l Magni Bronzebeard szczeg\u00F3lnie usilnie dzia\u0142a, by doliny Alterac dosta\u0142y si\u0119 pod w\u0142adz\u0119 Ironforge. G\u0142\u00F3wna baza Stormpike'\u00F3w znajduje si\u0119 w Dun Baldar, gdzie ich przyw\u00F3dca, Vanndar Stormpike przebywa wraz ze swymi marsza\u0142kami. Jego zast\u0119pczyni, kapitan Balinda Stonehearth przebywa na po\u0142udnie od Dun Baldar, w Przycz\u00F3\u0142ku Kamienne Palenisko."@pl . . "Genera\u0142 Vanndar Stormpike"@pl . . "Alliance"@en . . . . . "Alliance"@pl . "DunBaldar.jpg"@en . . . . "Stormpike Guard"@pl . . . . "Stormpike Tabard.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Stormpike Guard"@pl . "wowus"@en . "Stormpike Guard"@en . . . . . "Dwarf"@en . . . . . . . "The Stormpike Guard (aka Stormpike Expedition[citation needed]) is the Alliance faction in the Alterac Valley battleground. They are an expedition of dwarves of the Stormpike clan, native to the \"valleys of Alterac\" (APG 166) in the Alterac Mountains. The Stormpikes' search for relics of their past, and harvesting of resources in Alterac Valley have led to open war with the orcs of the Frostwolf clan who are dwelling in the southern part of the valley. (APG 166, 169) [1] They were also issued with a \"sovereign imperialistic imperative\" by King Magni Bronzebeard to take the valleys of Alterac for Ironforge."@en . . "Stra\u017C Stormpike'a (znana r\u00F3nie\u017C jako Ekspedycja Stormpike'a) to frakcja Przymierza walcz\u0105ca na polu bitewnym Dolina Alterac. Jest to ekspedycja krasnolud\u00F3w z klanu Stormpike, zamieszkuj\u0105cego doliny Alterac. Stormpike'owie poszukuj\u0105 relikt\u00F3w ze swej przesz\u0142o\u015Bci i eksploatuj\u0105 surowce w Dolinie Alterac i prowadz\u0105 otwart\u0105 wojn\u0119 z orkami z klanu Lodowego Wilka, kt\u00F3rzy zamieszkuj\u0105 po\u0142udniow\u0105 cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 doliny. Kr\u00F3l Magni Bronzebeard szczeg\u00F3lnie usilnie dzia\u0142a, by doliny Alterac dosta\u0142y si\u0119 pod w\u0142adz\u0119 Ironforge."@pl . "The Stormpike Guard (aka Stormpike Expedition[citation needed]) is the Alliance faction in the Alterac Valley battleground. They are an expedition of dwarves of the Stormpike clan, native to the \"valleys of Alterac\" (APG 166) in the Alterac Mountains. The Stormpikes' search for relics of their past, and harvesting of resources in Alterac Valley have led to open war with the orcs of the Frostwolf clan who are dwelling in the southern part of the valley. (APG 166, 169) [1] They were also issued with a \"sovereign imperialistic imperative\" by King Magni Bronzebeard to take the valleys of Alterac for Ironforge. The main Stormpike base is Dun Baldar where their leader, Vanndar Stormpike, resides with his marshals. His second in command, Captain Balinda Stonehearth, is found south of Dun Baldar at Stonehearth Outpost."@en . . .