"In 2369 kocht de invloedrijke Hoex de vrachthaven van zijn rivaal Turot op Volchok prime. (DS9: \"The Nagus\")"@nl . . "Volchok Prime was the inhabited prime planet in its system. In 2369, the influential Ferengi Hoex bought out his rival Turot's controlling interest in the cargo ports on Volchok Prime. (DS9: \"The Nagus\") This planet was only mentioned in dialogue. According to Star Trek: Star Charts (\"United Federation of Planets I\") and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library (\"Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385\"), the Volchok system was located in the Alpha Quadrant. The system's primary was a F-class star. In the late 24th century, it was an independent system."@en . . . . "Volchok Prime"@en . . "Volchok Prime"@en . . "Planeta. En el a\u00F1o 2369 los puertos de carga de este lugar eran controlados por el ferengi Hoex, quien hab\u00EDa tomado el negocio de su rival Turot."@es . . . . . . "Volchok Prime was a planet in the Volchok star system. In the summer of 2295, Elias Vaughn, Chloe and several other cadets from Starfleet Academy travelled on a freighter bound for Volchok Prime which left them off on a planet in the Braslota system on its journey. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: This Gray Spirit) Prior to 2369, Hoex had bought out Turot's controlling interest in the cargo ports on Volchok Prime, leading to a bitter rivalry developing between the two Ferengi businessmen. (DS9 episode: \"The Nagus\")"@en . . . "planet"@en . . "Volchok prime"@nl . "Volchok system, Alpha or Beta Quadrant"@en . "humanoid, including Ferengi"@en . . "Volchok Prime was the inhabited prime planet in its system. In 2369, the influential Ferengi Hoex bought out his rival Turot's controlling interest in the cargo ports on Volchok Prime. (DS9: \"The Nagus\") This planet was only mentioned in dialogue. According to Star Trek: Star Charts (\"United Federation of Planets I\") and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library (\"Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385\"), the Volchok system was located in the Alpha Quadrant. The system's primary was a F-class star. In the late 24th century, it was an independent system."@en . "Volchok Prime"@es . . . . . "Volchok prime"@nl . "In 2369 kocht de invloedrijke Hoex de vrachthaven van zijn rivaal Turot op Volchok prime. (DS9: \"The Nagus\")"@nl . "Planeta. En el a\u00F1o 2369 los puertos de carga de este lugar eran controlados por el ferengi Hoex, quien hab\u00EDa tomado el negocio de su rival Turot."@es . . . "Volchok Prime was a planet in the Volchok star system. In the summer of 2295, Elias Vaughn, Chloe and several other cadets from Starfleet Academy travelled on a freighter bound for Volchok Prime which left them off on a planet in the Braslota system on its journey. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: This Gray Spirit) Prior to 2369, Hoex had bought out Turot's controlling interest in the cargo ports on Volchok Prime, leading to a bitter rivalry developing between the two Ferengi businessmen. (DS9 episode: \"The Nagus\")"@en .