. "Image:Slitherback.png Image:Combonormal.png Image:Mindskill.png Image:Magicattack.png Image:Soulmagic.png Image:10sec.png Short Range Back, Maneuver \n* Teleport to a nearby enemy. \n* Target receives Doom (12s). \n* You can not teleport to an enemy directly next to you. Maneuver: Gain 1 rank concentration on hit, but lose 1 rank concentration if the attack misses. Expose [Melee]: Reduces melee resistance and increases damage taken from melee attacks. Doom: All incoming heal effects are decreased and take more damage from soul attacks."@en . . . "Rare"@en . . . . . "Slither is an upcoming Disney animated television series. It takes place in a jungle city populated by snakes and follows the adventures of The Seven Slithers who solve problems in order to protect their home, or for anything else. It will contain a total of 13 half-hour episodes."@en . . . . . . . . . "Thomas G. Waites"@en . . . . "1.5E7"^^ . . . . . "Motorcycle"@en . . . . "58163"^^ . "Aaron Salomon; Aaron Salomon from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 9 0002.jpg"@en . "50"^^ . . . . "James Gunn"@en . "50"^^ . . . . "A supervillain."@en . "CI"@en . "1"^^ . . . "211"^^ . . "Serpent"@en . "Eames Slither.jpg"@en . "6.5"^^ . . "Camouflage may surprise foes, can attack two creatures at once"@en . "40"^^ . . . . . . "Zul'Aman"@en . . "15"^^ . "Aaron Salomon was recruited by Magneto to serve in his new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants along with Burner, Lifter, Peepers and Shocker. Magneto wanted to use a tiny spaceship he had found, so he sent the Brotherhood to apprehend Mister One, who controller Mister Two. The villains attacked One, Two and Captain America in a park. Slither wrapped himself around Captain America, saying, \u201CSlither is my name, and strangling is my game!\u201D. When S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived, the Brotherhood fled back to their hideout and Magneto managed to capture Mister One. When Captain America and Mister Two attacked, Slither constricted around Two until the latter threw Slither against the Lifter. When Mister One exploded the tiny spaceship, the villains were forced to flee. The five mutants, now abandoned by Magneto, were hired by the Mandrill and given a new name: The Mutant Force. They kept this name during the following years. They attacked a Air-Force base with an army of female warriors that were controlled by the Mandrill. When the Defenders arrived, Slither constricted around Valkyrie, until Yellowjacket zapped him. Things went out of hand and Burner, Lifter and Peepers escaped with a pile of gald and an unconscious Yellowjacket, leaving Slither and Shocker behind. The three villains battled the Defenders alongside their female army again and rescued their teammates. During the battle, the Wasp hit Slither with a blast and Burner\u2019s flames kept Slither from attacking for a while. After capturing Valkyrie, Hellcat and the Wasp, they returned to the base, where the Mandrill put the women under his control and put Valkyrie in charge of the Mutant Force. After the Wasp escaped, the Mandrill ordered his forces to attack the Air Force again. During the battle with the army, Slither wrapped himself around soldiers. All the surviving soldiers were taken to a building and held under an electrical field created by the Shocker. Nighthawk attacked and soon the field was shorted out and the Mutant Force was easily defeated. The Mutant Force, still imprisoned, was brought before a special United States Intelligence Services branch. They became special government operatives in exchange for full presidential pardons. When the Hulk attacked a baseball stadium, the Mutant Force was sent to stop him. During the battle, Slither tried to strangle the Hulk by contricting him around is head, but he was thrown into Shocker. Valkyrie and Hellcat attacked, allowing the Hulk to escape. The mutant Force was called to testify against the Defenders in what they thought was a government inquisition, while it was actually the alien tribunal. Since they no longer worked for the government the Mutant Force was recruited by the Secret Empire, alongside other operatives. Mad-Dog was put in charge of the Mutant Force. Mad-Dog and the Mutant Force were sent in to attack the Defenders at the wedding of Hellcat and the Son of Satan. During the battle Slither tried to restrain the Beast by constricting around him, but he was knocked out. After this incident, the Mutant Force was held in a S.H.I.E.L.D. field for questioning. Professor Power arranged for their release while Leviathan created a distraction. The Mutant Force battled the Defenders again to buy time for a satellite to launch. The satellite exploded and the Mutant Force was defeated once again. Slither then joined up with the Viper, an international terrorist and murderer, and began to act as her servant. He seemed to be less intelligent while working for her. He followed her plan to infiltrate in the Serpent Society and release a toxin that would turn much of America into human snakes. Following the events of House of M, Slither was likely stripped of his mutant powers."@en . "Gregory Middleton"@en . . . "Slither Pit"@en . . . . "Combat"@en . . . . "Universal Pictures"@en . "Law & Order: Criminal Intent"@en . "1024"^^ . . "105"^^ . "A supervillain."@en . . . . "Beast"@en . . "400"^^ . . . . . "None \u2013 salt flats / near water"@en . "North Rust Commons East"@en . "Slither"@en . "English"@en . "CI"@en . . "22"^^ . . "Killable"@en . . . "Giant Carnivore"@en . . "5011"^^ . . . . "SLITHER"@en . . "3"^^ . . "Elite"@en . . "5"^^ . . . . "Slither"@en . "Randy Vasquez"@en . "30"^^ . . "Slow \u2013 10 meters/turn"@en . "Larva"@en . . "Goren and Eames go up against Bernard Fremont, a charismatic European who trained Goren's nemesis Nicole Wallace."@en . "David Correia"@en . . . "Don't go looking for snakes you might find them Don't send your eyes to the sun you might blind them Haven't I seen you here before ? Ohhh, watch the puppets dancin' Yeah, see the clowns fall down Hey, tie your tap shoes tightly Yeah, and wear them into town See you crawlin'... See you crawlin' in... Don't go looking for snakes you might find them Don't send your eyes to the sun you might blind them Haven't I seen you here before ? There ain't no heroes here...no....no more See you crawlin'... See you crawlin' in... [Solo] See you crawlin'.... See you crawlin' in...."@en . . . . . "\"Slither\" is the second single by Velvet Revolver from their debut album Contraband. The single was released in 2004."@en . . "Enemy"@en . "Slither is a 2006 horror/comedy film written and directed by James Gunn. It is a Homage to gory B-Movie horror films. While not a massive commercial success, the film is something of a Cult Classic. The plot is essentially, an Alien Invasion film mixed with a Zombie Apocalypse. An alien parasite lands in rural America, infecting and taking control of local man Grant Grant. The alien impregnates a local woman, who gives birth (by having them eat her from the inside out) to thousands of \"slugs\", that share the original alien's mind. The slugs then enter a person's body through the mouth, killing them. The aliens then take control of the corpse. It's then up to the local police sheriff (played by Nathan Fillion, of Firefly fame), Grant's wife (Elizabeth Banks), the foul-mouthed Mayor, and a local teen to stop the alien before it can infect every living thing on the planet. This film contains examples of: \n* Action Survivor: Kylie. Over the course of the film, she manages to: grab one of the alien worms as it enters her mouth and pull it out again; burn said worm to death with a curling iron; escape a massive horde of worms by jumping off the roof of her house; take down a couple of worm-zombies (including a zombified deer) more or less by herself; and, ultimately, survive a flying couch to the face with nothing worse than a broken arm. Not bad for a kid with fake nails and a penchant for taking long baths. \n* Alien Invasion \n* Anyone Can Die: And everyone in the whole town but Kylie, Bill, and Starla do. \n* Badass Teacher: Starla. \"Bitch is hardcore!\" \n* Berserk Button: The mayor isn't exactly a calm guy to begin with, but he really throws a tantrum after he discovers that no one has brought any Mr. Pibb, which is the only soft-drink he likes. This is after everyone's started turning into alien parasite-infected zombies, mind you. \n* Better to Die Than Be Killed: After being turned into a breeder for the parasites, the Mayor begs Pardy to kill him. \n* Big Damn Heroes: Pardy shows up in a big blaze of glory, ready to save Starla, blow up the alien and kick some parasite ass. Subverted, since the alien knocks aside his grenade, it gets dropped in the pool and explodes there, and Pardy promptly gets his ass kicked. \n* Body Horror: Oh so very much of it. Brenda, Grant... \n* Bury Your Gays: Played straight with Margaret. \n* Captain Obvious: \"Something's wrong with me.\" \n* \"Um, yeah.\" \n* Chekhov's Grenade: Subverted. Hard. They make a big deal of showing the viewer the SINGLE grenade that the Sheriff's department owns and the camera lingers on it for a moment. Later, when the hero attempts to use it, it's casually knocked aside and rendered useless. \n* Played straight with Kylie's nails which provide much needed grip during the initial attack. \n* Cluster F-Bomb: The whole film, but especially anything the Mayor says. \n* Crazy Jealous Guy: Grant does not like the idea of other guys getting close to Starla. It's bad enough before he gets possessed by an alien death-worm. \n* Decoy Protagonist: Bill's something like this; the audience is set up to expect him to become the ass-kicking Action Hero when the moment calls, but when the action really kicks off while he's not that incompetent and certainly isn't cowardly, it is pretty clear that he's completely out of his depth, and pretty much every moment that's set up to make him look like a Badass ends with him either running away or getting his ass kicked. He also needs to be rescued more than once by Starla and Kylie. \n* Nathan Fillion certainly confirmed that one of the things he really enjoyed about playing Bill was his bewildered and terrified \"what the fuck is going on?!\" reaction to almost everything that happened, rather than reacting like a standard Action Hero would. \n* Diagonal Cut: When a single guy tries to stop Grant, the latter casually whips a tentacle at him. He looks, confused, for a few seconds, while blood starts pouring out of a perfectly vertical cut from his head to his groin, before he splits apart. \n* Does This Remind You of Anything?: The scenes where the alien worms possess and impregnate the townsfolk are treated as parallel to rape and sexual assault. \n* The End - or Is It? / Sequel Hook / The Stinger: Keep watching after the end credits. \n* Everybody's Dead, Dave: The entire town is killed except Bill Pardy, Starla and Kylie. \n* Final Girl: Two of them plus a Final Guy. Only Starla completely fills this trope however. \n* Half the Man He Used To Be: A redneck attempting to stop a fully mutated Grant gets bisected by a whip-like tentacle. \n* Hive Mind: The parasite has the mind of every living creature it has ever infected. \n* Hive Queen: Grant. \n* Homage: Most obviously to Night of the Creeps. Starla teaches at Earl Bassett Community School, the mayor's name is R.J. MacReady, there's a store in town called Max Renn's, and Bill mentions the Raglan and Castevet farms. The scene of Kylie getting attacked by a slug in the bathtub has definite echoes of Shivers, as well. \n* Horror Hunger \n* I'm a Humanitarian: Those turned into breeders want meat. Any meat... \n* Infant Immortality: Averted with the creepy cannibal Undead Children. \n* Omnicidal Maniac \n* Orifice Invasion \n* The Power of Love: Subverted, but not how you think. After being infected, Grant tries and succeeds at resisting the urge to eat Starla, and has his drones bring her back home and dress her in silk and comb her hair lovingly. At the end she even manages to prey on his love for her to get in close and stab him. Pity it wasn't in a vital area... which, considering he/it was a mass of alien blubber, tentacles and human bodies, he may not have had one other than his brain. \n* Puppeteer Parasite: Grant Grant isn't himself. \n* Rule of Cool: The whole film runs on this. \n* Rule of Funny: Or this. \n* Rule of Scary: Or this. \n* Shout-Out: Did anyone else think of Serenity upon learning that they had a grenade, and Nathon Fillion decided they leave it behind? \n* Countless others to mention, but the ending is a possible shout-out to the final scenes of Society. \n* The film is a Whole-Plot Reference (kinda sorta) to Night of the Creeps. \n* Sliding Scale of Comedy and Horror: It's a blend of both. \n* Soundtrack Dissonance \n* Unlucky Childhood Friend: Bill Pardy (until the end) \n* The Virus \n* Word of God: It's not made 100% clear in the film, but according to director James Gunn on the DVD commentary, the real Grant died when he was attacked by the alien. Everything after that was the alien, although it had absorbed Grant's memories and his love for Starla. The scene with him crying early on was to indicate the alien experiencing human emotions for the first time. \n* X Meets Y: Night of the Creeps meets The Thing meets The Blob. \n* Zombie Apocalypse: Potentially. They're able to prevent the scenario from spreading beyond the town, luckily."@en . "Slither is an optional Boss that must be killed to complete Altar Ego: Godless Monsters. It is a Scythid, blue in colour with a pair of enormous mandibles, worshipped by a group of Bandits in the Rust Commons. He can be found in the farthest north location of The Rust Commons East."@en . "82"^^ . "92131"^^ . . "K1829"@en . . . "62"^^ . . "Goren and Eames go up against Bernard Fremont, a charismatic European who trained Goren's nemesis Nicole Wallace."@en . "Danny Mora"@en . . "Dollhouse"@en . "A meteorite housing a malevolent, sentient extraterrestrial parasite crashes into the town of Wheelsy, South Carolina. While frolicking in the woods with Brenda, local car dealer Grant Grant finds the parasite and is infected by it. The parasite takes over his body and absorbs his consciousness and memories. With the alien now in control of his body, 'Grant' begins to slowly change into a tentacled slug-like monster. In a post-credits scene, a cat approaches to feed off Grant's remains and is infected."@en . . "Don't go looking for snakes you might find them Don't send your eyes to the sun you might blind them Haven't I seen you here before ? Ohhh, watch the puppets dancin' Yeah, see the clowns fall down Hey, tie your tap shoes tightly Yeah, and wear them into town See you crawlin'... See you crawlin' in... Don't go looking for snakes you might find them Don't send your eyes to the sun you might blind them Haven't I seen you here before ? There ain't no heroes here...no....no more Hey hey hey Oooh, play the game so nicely Oh, check, its your move now Yeah, we're standing in this jungle Yeah, with serpents I have found See you crawlin'... See you crawlin' in... Don't go looking for snakes you might find them Don't send your eyes to the sun you might blind them Haven't I seen you here before ? Have your heroes disappeared? [Solo] See you crawlin'.... See you crawlin' in.... So don't go looking for snakes you might find them Don't send your eyes to the sun you might blind them Haven't I seen you here before ? No there ain't no heroes here.......no no Haven't I seen you here before ? No there ain't no heroes here. Don't go looking for snakes you might find them... Haven't I seen you here before? Have your heroes disappeared? Don't send your eyes to the sun you might blind them..."@en . . "Aaron Salomon was recruited by Magneto to serve in his new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants along with Burner, Lifter, Peepers and Shocker. Magneto wanted to use a tiny spaceship he had found, so he sent the Brotherhood to apprehend Mister One, who controller Mister Two. The villains attacked One, Two and Captain America in a park. Slither wrapped himself around Captain America, saying, \u201CSlither is my name, and strangling is my game!\u201D. When S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived, the Brotherhood fled back to their hideout and Magneto managed to capture Mister One. When Captain America and Mister Two attacked, Slither constricted around Two until the latter threw Slither against the Lifter. When Mister One exploded the tiny spaceship, the villains were forced to flee."@en . "Quinn and Rembrandt head down to Mexico to blow off a little steam. Getting back into the United States turns out to be a bit of a problem when they get mixed up in an illegal snake trade and find themselves stuck in the middle of a jungle, surrounded by deadly snakes and the tobacco cartel. Meanwhile, Wade and Maggie run into problems of their own while they search for their friends. This article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . "Paul Brooks\nEric Newman\nThomas Bliss"@en . "Slither is a game. Posted: 9th April, 2006 Summary: From the movie Slither. Give 'em both barrels ya varmints!"@en . . "Slither is a game. Posted: 9th April, 2006 Summary: From the movie Slither. Give 'em both barrels ya varmints!"@en . "103"^^ . "A meteorite housing a malevolent, sentient extraterrestrial parasite crashes into the town of Wheelsy, South Carolina. While frolicking in the woods with Brenda, local car dealer Grant Grant finds the parasite and is infected by it. The parasite takes over his body and absorbs his consciousness and memories. With the alien now in control of his body, 'Grant' begins to slowly change into a tentacled slug-like monster. Many pets soon disappear, but Grant is not suspected. However, his wife Starla begins to question his health; he explains the initial changes in his appearance as an allergic reaction to a bee sting, saying that a doctor has already given him something for it, but Starla soon learns this is a lie. Starla contacts the police chief Bill Pardy \u2013 her childhood crush \u2013 who attempts to reassure and comfort her while not acting on his feelings. Grant infects the lonely and neglected Brenda with hundreds of his offspring. He hides her in an isolated barn where she becomes massively obese to the point of inflating to the size of a wrecking ball as baby alien slugs grow inside her. Bill leads a small group of officers on a hunt for Grant; they find Brenda in time to see her explode, releasing hundreds of the alien slugs. Most of Bill's group are infected by the slugs and become Grant's puppets, speaking as if they were Grant and obsessed with bringing Starla home and holding her to her wedding vows. Everyone in town is quickly eaten or absorbed into Grant's hive mind except Starla, Bill, mayor Jack MacReady, and a teenage girl, Kylie, who escaped a partial bonding in which she saw the slug's memories; it moves from planet to planet, eating or absorbing all life it finds there. The parasite's consciousness, however, is influenced by the real Grant's memories and his love for his wife, Starla. The survivors try to escape detection and kill Grant. The townspeople attack their vehicle, capturing Starla and Jack. Bill and Kylie track Starla to her home, and find that the infected are melding into one giant creature. They must risk their lives to stop the infestation from spreading any further. Jack awakens in the house's basement, where several of the infected are eating; he tries to escape but becomes infected as well. Starla charms the monster by calling him \"Grant\" and telling him they can be together, but as they get close to each other, she pulls a mirror from her underwear and stabs him in the chest with the pointed handle. He slaps her with a tentacle and knocks her across the room. Bill arrives; Jack begs to be killed, and Bill shoots him in the head. He tries to kill the monster with a grenade, but another tentacle knocks the grenade into the pool, where it detonates. The monster sends two tentacles to stab Bill and infect him; one is lodged in his abdomen, but Bill attaches the other to a small propane tank, filling Grant with gas, and Starla shoots the monster, causing it to explode, whereupon all the infected die. The three survivors walk away to find a hospital for Bill. In a post-credits scene, a cat approaches to feed off Grant's remains and is infected."@en . "Slither"@en . . "11"^^ . "Non-Giftable"@en . "4"^^ . "Slither"@en . . "Slither"@en . "Vehicles"@en . . . "A Mysterious asteroid crash lands on our dear Planet Earth, more specifically in the quaint lil redneck town of Wheesly, Texas. As it turns out to be the asteroid was playing host to megalomaniac parasitic aliens hell bent on taking over the word. But of course!! The aliens find their first unsuspecting host body in local rich boy Grant Grant (Michael Rooker)who begins to sprout hive-like inflamations all over his body. Good ol' Grant in turn impregnates his ex-girlfriend's younger sister who in turns into a giant-sized parade-balloon who splits open end to end releasing a host of creepy slug like creatures who tend to crawl into your oral orifice and take over your body."@en . "Watch"@en . "Slither is a 2006 horror/comedy film written and directed by James Gunn. It is a Homage to gory B-Movie horror films. While not a massive commercial success, the film is something of a Cult Classic. The plot is essentially, an Alien Invasion film mixed with a Zombie Apocalypse. An alien parasite lands in rural America, infecting and taking control of local man Grant Grant. The alien impregnates a local woman, who gives birth (by having them eat her from the inside out) to thousands of \"slugs\", that share the original alien's mind. The slugs then enter a person's body through the mouth, killing them. The aliens then take control of the corpse. It's then up to the local police sheriff (played by Nathan Fillion, of Firefly fame), Grant's wife (Elizabeth Banks), the foul-mouthed Mayor, and a l"@en . "Image:Slitherback.png Image:Combonormal.png Image:Mindskill.png Image:Magicattack.png Image:Soulmagic.png Image:10sec.png Short Range Back, Maneuver \n* Teleport to a nearby enemy. \n* Target receives Doom (12s). \n* You can not teleport to an enemy directly next to you. Maneuver: Gain 1 rank concentration on hit, but lose 1 rank concentration if the attack misses. Expose [Melee]: Reduces melee resistance and increases damage taken from melee attacks. Doom: All incoming heal effects are decreased and take more damage from soul attacks."@en . . . . . . . "Reptilicus / Mr. Slither; Reptilicus .png"@en . . "Varies depending on the player"@en . "2006"^^ . "5"^^ . . "Slither is an upcoming Disney animated television series. It takes place in a jungle city populated by snakes and follows the adventures of The Seven Slithers who solve problems in order to protect their home, or for anything else. It will contain a total of 13 half-hour episodes."@en . "James Gunn"@en . . "None"@en . "January"@en . "2011-12-01"^^ . . . "70"^^ . . "\"Slither\" is the second single by Velvet Revolver from their debut album Contraband. The single was released in 2004."@en . . . "Tyler Bates"@en . "518400.0"^^ . . "Gold Circle Films\nStrike Entertainment"@en . "Slither is an optional Boss that must be killed to complete Altar Ego: Godless Monsters. It is a Scythid, blue in colour with a pair of enormous mandibles, worshipped by a group of Bandits in the Rust Commons. He can be found in the farthest north location of The Rust Commons East."@en . . "2006-03-31"^^ . "5700.0"^^ . . "5"^^ . "|- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\"|Animal Bosses |- |style=\"text-align: left; width:90%;\"| Akil'zon Nalorakk Jan'alai Halazzi | (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) |- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\"|Final Bosses |- | Hex Lord Malacrass Daakara | (lore) (lore) |- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\"|Zul'Aman loot |} TCG image [[File:|]] Slither is found in Zul'Aman as one of the eight possible adds for Hex Lord Malacrass."@en . "John Axelrad"@en . "Nathan Fillion\nElizabeth Banks\nGregg Henry\nMichael Rooker"@en . "Quinn and Rembrandt head down to Mexico to blow off a little steam. Getting back into the United States turns out to be a bit of a problem when they get mixed up in an illegal snake trade and find themselves stuck in the middle of a jungle, surrounded by deadly snakes and the tobacco cartel. Meanwhile, Wade and Maggie run into problems of their own while they search for their friends. This article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . . . "United States"@en . . . . . "Julie St. Claire"@en . "24242"^^ . "A Mysterious asteroid crash lands on our dear Planet Earth, more specifically in the quaint lil redneck town of Wheesly, Texas. As it turns out to be the asteroid was playing host to megalomaniac parasitic aliens hell bent on taking over the word. But of course!! The aliens find their first unsuspecting host body in local rich boy Grant Grant (Michael Rooker)who begins to sprout hive-like inflamations all over his body. Good ol' Grant in turn impregnates his ex-girlfriend's younger sister who in turns into a giant-sized parade-balloon who splits open end to end releasing a host of creepy slug like creatures who tend to crawl into your oral orifice and take over your body. The world is in danger and who better to save the day than good ol'Sheriff Pardy (Nathan Fillion) along with childhood crush and Grant's good wife Starla (Elizabeth Banks). Yup! Strictly B-grade. And what fun!!! Debut Director James Gunn plays the movie like a cinematic equivalent of a sustained poker face. He goes from scene to scene tongue firmly in cheek leaving no room for the feet. The scene where a distraught Starla tries to sweet-talk an infected Grant Grant who looks more like a giant fleshy squid with bad teeth, about marriage and it's promises and love is priceless. You can almost catch Gunn's wiseass smirk right behind the camera. Horror is strictly of the gross-out and Boo varieties, with more of a leaning towards gross out. Gunn directs with a perverse whimsy such that even if he manages to build up tension, he rats on his earnestness with something downright farcical. He's giving them as low as they come. Gunn's master-stroke lies in the casting of Nathan Fillion as Sheriff Brady. Coming off a terrific turn as Capt. Mal Reynolds in 'Serenity', Fillion understands the whimsical nature of the proceedings and is absolutely game. He seems to be having a ball of a time a la the legendary Bruce Campbell in 'Evil Dead'. This is certainly not a movie for everybody. Those with a tendency to be easily disgusted and 'eww'ed, back off!! But for those out there who've worn out their 'Evil Dead' DVDs and are tired of catching all those \"Tremors' reruns on HBO and AXN, this is essential cinema."@en . "Marc Tissot"@en . . "|- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\"|Animal Bosses |- |style=\"text-align: left; width:90%;\"| Akil'zon Nalorakk Jan'alai Halazzi | (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) |- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\"|Final Bosses |- | Hex Lord Malacrass Daakara | (lore) (lore) |- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\"|Zul'Aman loot |} TCG image [[File:|]] Slither is found in Zul'Aman as one of the eight possible adds for Hex Lord Malacrass."@en .