"Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 is a spinoff game in the Dragon Quest game series series, and the second game in the Dragon Quest Monsters sub-series. Like its predecessor, Dragon Quest Monsters 2 features young children and the monsters they have recruited and trained to fight for them. Breeding makes a return as well."@en . . . . "Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 is a spinoff game in the Dragon Quest game series series, and the second game in the Dragon Quest Monsters sub-series. Like its predecessor, Dragon Quest Monsters 2 features young children and the monsters they have recruited and trained to fight for them. Breeding makes a return as well. In a similar fashion to the Pokemon series of games, Dragon Quest Monsters 2 was released in two versions, called Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey and Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure in the North American localization. In addition to minor aesthetic differences, each version offers a handful of creatures that cannot be obtained in the other version of the game, necessitating monster trading, and also features a different protagonist depending on the game."@en . "Dragon Warrior Monsters 2"@en . "--03-09"^^ . . . . . "Spinoff games"@en . "Dragon Warrior Monsters 2"@en . "2002-05-10"^^ . . . . "32"^^ . . . "North American box art"@en . . . "Game Boy Color"@en . . . . "Dragon Quest Monsters"@en . .