. "The Ley was a Federation type 15 shuttlepod that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century, attached to the USS Enterprise-D. It was shuttlepod 09. In 2366, Lieutenant Commanders Data and Geordi La Forge investigated the Barzan wormhole from aboard the Ley. Along with a Ferengi shuttle, the Ley entered the wormhole and arrived in the Delta Quadrant, despite the fact that the terminus of the wormhole was supposed to be in the Gamma Quadrant. This inconsistency allowed Data and La Forge to realize that the wormhole was unstable and therefore useless, and they returned to the Alpha Quadrant with the news. (TNG: \"The Price\" ) The Ley was possibly named after Willy Ley, a German-American writer who popularized the idea of spaceflight in both Germany and the United States. A crater on the far side of Luna is named for him."@en . . "A"@en . "black"@en . "Power and influence had always been shared by a few powerful families in the demon world. The more extreme tribe of demons who desire Kounat's complete destruction realized after their defeat that they needed to grow their own power by seizing it from the more moderate demons who did not desire all-out destruction. The extremists, thus, began to quietly cultivate their power. One day, the strength of the extremists suddenly overwhelmed that of the moderates, and the chief of the moderate demons went missing. Ley is the daughter of one of the more powerful moderate families, the Crimson Rivers. Peter von Crimson River, the blood red ruler, began sensing that something was amiss in the demon world and put a stop to suspicious activities on the part of the Burning Canyon family, and to secure"@en . "Ley es una carrera profesional en el disco de expansi\u00F3n Los Sims 2: Y las cuatro estaciones. La recompensa profesional de esta carrera es el Podio para litigantes \"Protesto, se\u00F1or\u00EDa\", que se desbloquea despu\u00E9s de haber alcanzado el nivel \"Abogado de lesiones personales\" (6). Este objeto ayudar\u00E1 a los Sims a mejorar su habilidad de Carisma."@es . . "#c282de"@en . . "Ley von Crimson River\n\uB808\uC774 \uD3F0 \uD06C\uB9BC\uC2A8\uB9AC\uBC84"@en . . . . "Aquarius"@en . "Female"@en . . . "Ley"@fr . . "The Ley was a Federation type 15 shuttlepod that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century, attached to the USS Enterprise-D. It was shuttlepod 09. In 2366, Lieutenant Commanders Data and Geordi La Forge investigated the Barzan wormhole from aboard the Ley. Along with a Ferengi shuttle, the Ley entered the wormhole and arrived in the Delta Quadrant, despite the fact that the terminus of the wormhole was supposed to be in the Gamma Quadrant. This inconsistency allowed Data and La Forge to realize that the wormhole was unstable and therefore useless, and they returned to the Alpha Quadrant with the news. (TNG: \"The Price\" )"@en . "6"^^ . "Power and influence had always been shared by a few powerful families in the demon world. The more extreme tribe of demons who desire Kounat's complete destruction realized after their defeat that they needed to grow their own power by seizing it from the more moderate demons who did not desire all-out destruction. The extremists, thus, began to quietly cultivate their power. One day, the strength of the extremists suddenly overwhelmed that of the moderates, and the chief of the moderate demons went missing. Ley is the daughter of one of the more powerful moderate families, the Crimson Rivers. Peter von Crimson River, the blood red ruler, began sensing that something was amiss in the demon world and put a stop to suspicious activities on the part of the Burning Canyon family, and to secure their allegiance, sent his daughter Ley to Aernas to find Dio, chief of the Burning Canyon family. Ley is the daughter of the influential Crimson River family from the moderate faction. Power and influence had always been shared by a few of the powerful families in Elyos. One day, the moderates were suddenly overwhelmed by the surprising strength of the extremists and in the midst of the chaos, the head of the moderate faction vanished. Ley's father, Peter von Crimson River, the Crimson ruler, held suspicion towards his longtime ally, Burning Canyon. In order to allay his suspicions and reinforce their alliance, he sent his own daughter to Aernas in search of Dio. For generations, the Crimson River family had struggled to bear children. When Ley was born, she was born with an incurable illness and was given only a short time to live. Due to the desperate efforts of her father, Peter von Crimson River was able to get Oz Pone Max Reinhardt to transplant the soul of an ancient female demon into Ley, to cure her illness. The soul that Oz had obtained with great difficulty, saved Ley. As she grew older, she began to resemble the owner of the soul, Edna Vervidad."@en . . . "Ley, 2366.jpg"@en . "Introduction"@en . "Trivia"@en . . . . "Ley"@en . . "#c282de"@en . "20"^^ . "#c282de"@en . "169.0"^^ . "--01-27"^^ . . . . . . "Ley symbolisiert f\u00FCr die Blutelfen das gelobte Land, einen Ort aus reiner Magie. Diesen verehren die Blutelfen und m\u00F6chten dorthin aufsteigen, um endlose Magie zu erlangen. Die Leylinien sollen dorthinf\u00FChren. Sie auch: Leysanktum"@de . . . "2366"^^ . "Ley"@es . . . "2.2"^^ . "Gallery"@en . "Ley"@en . . . . "#c282de"@en . . "Ley"@de . . "thumb|Das Shuttle Ley und ein Ferengi-Shuttle. Die Ley ist ein Shuttle vom El-Baz-Typ, welches an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) stationiert ist. Das Shuttle tr\u00E4gt die Nummer 09 und bietet Platz f\u00FCr bis zu zwei Besatzungsmitglieder. 2366 nutzen Geordi La Forge und Data das Shuttle, um das Barzan-Wurmloch zu erforschen. Zusammen mit einem Ferengi-Shuttle durchfliegt die Ley das Wurmloch. Aber anderes als errechnet befinden sich die beiden Shuttles nicht im Gamma-Quadrant, sondern im Delta-Quadrant. Data und La Forge stellen fest, dass das Wurmloch instabil ist und fliegen mit ihrem Shuttle zur\u00FCck in das Wurmloch. Die Ferengi wollen aber noch warten, als sich pl\u00F6tzlich die \u00D6ffnung des Wurmloches verschiebt und die beiden Ferengi sitzen mit ihrem Shuttle im Delta-Quadrant fest. Die Ley erreicht wieder den Alpha-Quadrant und kehrt zur Enterprise zur\u00FCck. (TNG: ) Kategorie:Shuttle"@de . . "Quotes"@en . . . "Ley symbolisiert f\u00FCr die Blutelfen das gelobte Land, einen Ort aus reiner Magie. Diesen verehren die Blutelfen und m\u00F6chten dorthin aufsteigen, um endlose Magie zu erlangen. Die Leylinien sollen dorthinf\u00FChren. Sie auch: Leysanktum"@de . . "thumb|Das Shuttle Ley und ein Ferengi-Shuttle. Die Ley ist ein Shuttle vom El-Baz-Typ, welches an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) stationiert ist. Das Shuttle tr\u00E4gt die Nummer 09 und bietet Platz f\u00FCr bis zu zwei Besatzungsmitglieder."@de . . "Ley es una carrera profesional en el disco de expansi\u00F3n Los Sims 2: Y las cuatro estaciones. La recompensa profesional de esta carrera es el Podio para litigantes \"Protesto, se\u00F1or\u00EDa\", que se desbloquea despu\u00E9s de haber alcanzado el nivel \"Abogado de lesiones personales\" (6). Este objeto ayudar\u00E1 a los Sims a mejorar su habilidad de Carisma."@es . . "Unknown"@en . . . "9"^^ . . "Burgundy"@en . . . . "Active"@en . . "Amy Lucashttp://amylucasofficial.com/blog/news/video-games/"@en . "Asmodian"@en . . . . "Ley"@de .